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  • STICKY  Welcome New Members! Introduce yourself here

    A warm welcome to everyone who has joined the group. If you are new to this g...

    ‎M3 months ago44 replies

  • What’s people opinion on taking photos of owls WITH the flash on?

    I’m a new bird photographer and have been wondering wether this is ethical or ...

    bloodypawprintz5 days ago0 replies

  • Cant delete Photo

    On page three there is a photo which need removing but when I try keep getting a...

    sdawesy154 months ago0 replies

  • help with id of owl thanks in advanc...

    Amit-pal56 months ago0 replies

  • Moderators wanted

    The group is looking for a new moderator to join the team and help running the g...

    ‎M69 months ago1 replies

  • Cover Photo

    Thank You for choosing my Great Grey owl in the thistles as your group cover pho...

    nutritious bucket73 months ago0 replies

  • Thanks...

    … for the cover, I'm very happy and it's an honor. Giuseppe

    GundamRX9175 months ago0 replies

  • thank you

    i'm happy to be here,owls are my favorite birds.all my photos are wild and i got...

    rs1966+-81 months ago0 replies

  • Young owl

    Thank you very much for the cover Giuseppe

    GundamRX9186 months ago0 replies

  • Thanks!

    Thank you for using my photo as your cover photo! Sincerely, Lori

    PerfumeG2011 (on and off )87 months ago0 replies

  • Mabel's winter hollow

    Hi guys thanks so much for choosing my photo to be on your cover. Only just gett...

    Sarah’s Photography91 months ago0 replies

  • Little Owl

    Many thanks for choosing one of my shots to be group cover Colin

    colper95 months ago0 replies

  • Cool

    Thanks for picking my Photo for the cover

    kevinhaw335100 months ago2 replies

  • photo de couverture

    Bonjour, Merci d'avoir choisi mes petites chevêches comme photo de couvertur...

    ChantCarr101 months ago0 replies

  • So Awesome

    Thank You for choosing my photo for the cover of this group.

    nutritious bucket101 months ago2 replies

  • Please help

    Hi Please could some one give me some help & advice I live in Rainham Essex UK ...

    stephen staples111 months ago0 replies

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