Discussions (69)

STICKY 🐱 Photo of your Cat / Tell us about your Cat

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‎M is a group administrator ‎M says:

Here is a good place for people to talk about our cats. Do you have a funny story, interesting fact, or just want to show us your beautiful cat?
Here is the right place! Don't hesitate!
Originally posted at 12:44PM, 5 November 2014 PDT (permalink)
‎M edited this topic 6 months ago.

third thumb [deleted] says:

My precious black beauty is named Demon. I rescued her from a auto repair shop about three years ago. She was less than three weeks old. She is my heart and soul. I am currently living in Hawaii so she is staying with my mum til i return to Texas.
115 months ago (permalink)

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saul.wynne says:

Hi Saul Here from London UK, Great to be here! My cats are both rescue cats, who look like they are siblings , but they are not. Both are tortoiseshell and Saffy looked after Bumble as she was only a kitten at the RSPCA foster home, I have added a Photo of each of them to this Groups photos page.


Saffy Close up by saul.wynne

Bumble 3 by saul.wynne

110 months ago (permalink)

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R2eyes says:

This is my cat, his name is Misha:
Originally posted 108 months ago. (permalink)
R2eyes edited this topic 108 months ago.

noiseless stitch [deleted] says:

I may have a sense of irony :3

This is 'Mouse', a feline who is one part cuddly and three parts sassy. Whenever I need to leave or do anything remotely productive, she forces upon me an 'Attack Cuddle', which I cannot escape, because to stand up when a cat has claimed your lap for her own is all sorts of taboo in the feline world. I was there when she was born at a friend's house, and she was gifted to my family a month and a half later. She owns the house now, with her son 'Hobbes', but we're okay with the cuteness overload.


Originally posted 103 months ago. (permalink)
noiseless stitch edited this topic 103 months ago.

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k-panggg says:

Hi! My name is Natalia and I have three cats as of this week.

I've had the first two; a tuxedo named Javert and a siamese named Tomoe for almost 4 years; they were adopted in october 2012.

This week I coordinated a rescue effort for a 10 week old cub, and decided to adopt her. We've named her Midna.
Photos soon...
103 months ago (permalink)

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Orjatar says:

Hey. My name is Linda and I have three cats atm.

One is our old lady Laticia (we call her Latie or Princess) she always cleans herself as soon as u touch her! She has really long claws luckily she never ever scratches!
Then we have Findus (Fatty or Pelt :D ) he is always outside and comes only inside for eating before he leaves us again. In winter he stays inside more often normally he was also during days inside but since we got cat number three we only see him twice a day... hope it will get better soon!
Cat number three is my Orava (Ori / Zumsel / Fluffy). We found him alone on the street nobody missing him so we adopted him. He is really cute! He is totally fluffly and i think a real persian! But his mouth is too small so his tongue always is out but he is so cute and he loves to be carried around... he even climbs on our shoulders so we can carry him.

ur cats are just looking like Laties sister Olivia (Livi) she was diededed a few month ago after her tumor boil broke and she couldn't move anymore. :(
97 months ago (permalink)

knotty wash [deleted] says:

my cat Remo. named after a movie character Remo Williams(same last name). Remo was a stray that walked up to me and my dog and they bonded right away
Originally posted 90 months ago. (permalink)
knotty wash edited this topic 90 months ago.

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francescawoolley says:

Cat with half an ear missing by francescawoolley

This is my beautiful Cat. She is a feisty older lady (13 years old). She is sassy, fierce and strong inside and out. She is a rescue cat. I love her sooo much.
86 months ago (permalink)

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Whiler says:


I have one cat. She's eleven years old and shares my flat with my wife and I.

Belly by Whiler

Her name is Belly and she loves to be stroked on her... belly ;o)


85 months ago (permalink)

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h.i.m 999 says:

There are two cats in my home,one of them is MIMI(girl),the other is LITTLE B(boy)

SDQH1266 by h.i.m 999

SDQH1307-1 by h.i.m 999

83 months ago (permalink)

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Dorchydreen says:

This gorgeous lady, Trisy, is great comfort after we had to put our beloved ginger down, due to illness. His name was Mickey, and he also had the most amazing green eyes.

Who goes there? by Dorchydreen

83 months ago (permalink)

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Pixel Pixtures says:

I have two Toyer/Main Coon mix kittens, getting big :) Hope they grow into little monsters, I love them, I also have a Cockapoo puppy.
82 months ago (permalink)

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-FrostBite- says:

I have a cat named stryper (boy), and he likes to sit in the dish washer 4 some reason
82 months ago (permalink)

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-FrostBite- says:

There is a pic of her m next to my name
82 months ago (permalink)

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claudio.rossetto says:

Here you are Sasha:

and Zeus:
81 months ago (permalink)

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mount_evans says:

I have no cats. I take pictures of other people's cats.

I have been treating my 25mm Panasonic/Leica lens (50mm equivalent) as the "cat lens" because of its low light capability and fast autofocus, and because it seems to make sense that an appropriate portrait lens for cats would be scaled down from the equivalent for people. What do others think is the right focal length for cats?

I used to think cats had some magical ability to defeat autofocus. Then I met Quigley.

Quigley in sunroom by mount_evans

Quigley has contrast. Quigley is a test pattern on four legs.
75 months ago (permalink)

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Unfettered Images says:

I have 4 beloved felines a tough, talkative, Tortie Buddi cat. And 3 tremendously talented tabbies.
Grace, Hafiz, Nazraden
73 months ago (permalink)

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barrob photos says:

Hi Cat lovers. I posted two pictures of my cats Koppy Kat and Flynn. Koppy is no longer with us after 17yrs with me. Flynn is a handful he loves laying on his back and watch tv. Thanks for letting me join.
73 months ago (permalink)

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Paeniro says:

Hi all,

I have 1 cat called Bowie. Born in a nest from my sisters cat, me and my lover adopted him. He didn’t want a cat, so we compromised and got a cat. Now 9 months later we could not imagine life without our cozy fluffball! He is my daily photo inspiration! Thanks for letting me join this group!
73 months ago (permalink)

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Lilith.Gotol says:

hey there! I'll tell you how Gizmo came into my life, was curious. At midnight one night In February the last year I heard the cry of a little kitty. crying and crying. So I get worried cuz was raining and I live in an apartment on a fourth floor And I have a dog too.
I went to the door to see if I could see the cat and as soon I open the door, the little cat came inside my house. we had to run to take the dog cuz she hates cats. And since that day Gizmo never went again. And my dog don't hate him. but don't love him either xD
70 months ago (permalink)

quickest drop [deleted] says:

Hey guys, i'll tell you a bit about our cats if you guys want!
So we have two cats the boy is Spark and the girl is Missy. Before we got Spark he was on the street for a LONG time, then Humane Society picked him up and it wasn't long before our family saw him and took him home! Before we got Missy she was also on the street, but she and her brother weren't lost for very long before Humane Society picked them up as well! As soon as I saw her I absolutely fell in love with her, but at the same time I felt heart broken because we couldn't take both her and her brother home so we ended up having to separate them...
But anyways, Spark and Missy used to hate each other, but now if you ask me i'd say the're boyfriend and girlfriend!
P.S If you want to see pictures of them, I will be uploading pics to this group so don't worry!
66 months ago (permalink)

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Nadya Bobrow says:

I have 4 cats (currently):
Fuzz- A female Russian blue who is super soft. She will cuddle with you but only after judging you for 20 minutes.
Dot Org- male light orange tabby who is very shy but loves hugs, once again, only after sizing you up.
Tripod- 3 legged female siamese tabby. she is very playful but very cuddly so at random times while you are petting her she will bite and scratch. She also drools like crazy.
Cleo- tiny female gray tabby. she looks like a kitten even though she's not. she likes being carried and purrs really loudly
Originally posted 48 months ago. (permalink)
Nadya Bobrow edited this topic 48 months ago.

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NJ Pat H says:

My three cats are Kit(short for Kitler because of her mustache). She's the only cat we didn't name ourselves. We adopted her and her sister from my vets' small adoption center and she was already named Kitler. My husband liked it so we kept it, though shorten it to Kit unless she is being reprimanded ;) She is a social butterfly and very much in tune with me. She honestly is like no other cat we've ever had over the years, and we've had several.

This is Me, The Kit by NJ Pat H

Molly, also adopted from our vets, is shy and reserved, but can sometimes sneak off to play with wild abandon where she thinks no one can see her.
Molly 1/5/13 by NJ Pat H

Kit and Molly are littermate sisters.
Piper is a personal rescue. I found her Momma living in our old barn and then discovered three kittens. Piper was one. We'd been thinking of adopting a gray kitten as we'd never had one, so when she was found with her family, we knew we'd be keeping her. She is called "Footy Cat" because she is obsessed with feet. She'd rather be pet by your feet than your hand!
Our Gray Baby with White Eyeliner by NJ Pat H

47 months ago (permalink)

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Cindy Marie Photo says:

We adopted Aisha on August 7. She's 10y old. Dumped on the streets two years ago.
The people that tried to take here in did not succeed because their own cats did not accept her. So they brought her to a shelter to rehome. She hated being in a bench (understandable).
She hissed sometimes to her caretaker.
They knew I wanted a cat, so they asked me if I wanted to try.
Someone told me you have to feel a connection with the animal. It was like ment to be.
She never hissed at me. She never growled or anything. I thought that was a good sign.
She hid of course but what could you expect.
After 1,5 week, she came to sleep on our lap. Let's me brush her.....
It's a match made in heaven.
47 months ago (permalink)

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provas1 says:

He is a six years old cat found in the street as a kitten by my daughter. He is very clever and lives with me in my house concerning He is the master of it.
47 months ago (permalink)

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jramazziniphotography says:

Hi I have five rescue cats
-Luna (10) my first cat was a feral rescue that I took on because she was “too much” for the lady who picked her up from the street and was going to take her to the pound as she couldn’t handle her. It took me awhile to domestic her as she was already grown but with a lot of patience and love she is know my lap cat and very possessive of me. She’s a grey calico with a bob tail. I named her Luna due to her marking that’s on her head that reminds me of a crescent moon.
-Fatty aka Patatosa(5) is my second rescue. I’m guessing she came from the same place Luna did because she’s also a bobtail and the pound picked her up as a kitten around the same area. She is such an easy keeper and loves her food. When I got her she was skinny and malnourished and trust me it didn’t take long for her to gain. I have to be very careful with how much she eats because if not she gets overweight quickly. She’s a lovable gal and loves attention! Fatty is a black calico with cool markings around her face and body.
-Nova aka mini Luna is my third rescue and I had promised myself she would my last for awhile(well I lied to myself because I got two more). She came along as a foster when I picked up Fatty from the pound and I never took her back and adopted her. She is such a sweet cat and reminds a lot like Luna and not because she is a grey calico bobtail like Luna but because she is super possessive and always wants to be with you 24/7.
-Sparrow aka baby Jackie sparrow(3) is my fourth rescue. This gal I found running around down the road from where I live. She was on the side of the road as a little kitten underweight and covered in fleas. She is the most adventurous one of them all! She loves to go in the car with us and loves to go for walks and that’s where her name comes from as reminded us of Jack Sparrow. She even has a little mustache marking which is super prominent with her black and white coloring.
-Odin aka Mr Grumpy pants(9) is my fifth rescue and most recent who I adopted at the pound after I learned he was due to be put down within a few days. It was super hard for Odin to get adopted as he is super aggressive. I’ve been working with him a lot and having him gain trust. I feel as though he was abused in some way by humans and that’s why he is just so frighten and attacks due to fear. I have never been aggressively attacked by a cat until Odin. He’s a lot of work but he’s worth it! There’s days where he’s the sweetest and then there are other days when he wants to take my hands off with his biting. I know with time and dedication he will open up and I have this feeling that he’s going to be such a beautiful loving cat.
So that is it on my kitty’s for now. I won’t be rescuing any time soon but I do occasionally take photos of cats whom are up for adoption or of friends.
45 months ago (permalink)

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ajames309 says:

Thank you for allowing me to join! My cat is now the Queen as we lost the King last year after 16 1/2 years together! She is the embodiment of a cat being playful , inquisitive, intrusive at times, loving, lovable, standoffish, and just all things wonderful! I love all of her and would not trader her for the world!
38 months ago (permalink)

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frances 9 says:

My cat is called Sinbad, he is 14 years old but still very lively. He likes to wander round our garden and our neighbour’s gardens. He loves playing with string and eating treats and food.
34 months ago (permalink)

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jsboxtop says:


My pals Sam and Bo. I found them as three week old kittens abandoned in a parking lot seven years ago. We have had so many happy moments together. I used to take them on car
trips when they were young. They logged 5000 miles with me. I would smuggle them into hotel rooms in my cello case.
34 months ago (permalink)

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zenit369 says:

Hallo! I am happy to be able to post pictures of my cats here, thank you. Ray, five years old, is a half-breed, but his coat designs are somewhat reminiscent of a Bengal variety; he's pretty big and he's a smart guy. Then there is little Polly, who is five months old and has a calico coat. She is a little devil, but we love her and we forgive her for any joke.
33 months ago (permalink)

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Riik@mctr says:

Hi all...i don't own a cat...or do they own u..?...anyway
my garden seems to be a hi-way for all sorts
of wildlife...i have taken many pics of cats short cuttin'
Originally posted 33 months ago. (permalink)
Riik@mctr edited this topic 33 months ago.

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Just a wanderer. says:

Hello everyone,
my name is Sara and I just joined the group. I live in Tuscan countryside, Italy.
I have a cat-son named Gino-Gino:

Gino-gino by Just a wanderer.

He decided to live with me and my husband, while the other cats preferred to live free and wild around the garden, esp. at the chicken coop LOL
I'm just starting here on Flickr, I hope to do everything right!
Enjoy your day,
33 months ago (permalink)

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FotoSkill says:

Hello everyone, My cat name is TULE. Nice to meet u.

Cute Scottish
31 months ago (permalink)

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Gronod says:

This is my cat Harriet. I've had her since she was a little kitten, she's 10 now but still looks (and acts) like a kitten.

Pampered Tabby by Gronod

Enigmatic Tabby by Gronod

Originally posted 27 months ago. (permalink)
Gronod edited this topic 27 months ago.

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Alora S. Griffin is a group moderator Alora S. Griffin says:

She's a lovely cat : )
27 months ago (permalink)

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ArtsyGirl823 says:

Today I will tell you about Coffee, my wonderful, beautiful, stinkerly little tortoiseshell kitty. So, it all started when we adopted her in October of 2019…

She was a super tiny baby then. I had the priveledge of naming her, so I named her Coffee. She was born with a cleft lip, and we were concerned that she might also have a cleft palate. It turns out she did not, but the cleft lip did make it difficult for her to drink. At some point, my Mom tried to feed her wet food, but she would have none of it. We were very worried that we wouldn’t be able to get her off the kitten formula. One day, my Mom just gave up trying the wet food and gave her a few peices of dry. Coffee actually ate it! We were quite surprised, but glad. Since then, she has always been a picky eater; the only foods she’ll even touch are dry cat food, venison, elk, bacon, chicken, turkey, and refried beans. (that’s probably not good for her, but I never give her very much.)

Overall she’s a relatively good kitty, she has puked up a hairball a few times, but that’s not really her fault. She does have a bit of a stinkerly side though. She loves Christmas and Thanksgiving. Christmas because of all the paper and boxes and tape, and Thanksgiving because of… the wishbone. After we eat the turkey, we usually save the wishbone. But Coffee gets up on top of the counter and steals it. She can’t eat it because of her cleft lip (and thank goodness for that!) but she sure tries to. She also used to go into my room, open the drawer, and take my needle felting wool. She steals wires and pipe cleaners and ponytails and puts them in her food dish. Recently, my dad got me a screen door for my room so that the air can pass through but the cat cannot. (bcz. I sleep with my normal door open.)

She has quite a few nicknames too, like ‘skitters’. We call her that because she scrambles around like Scooby-Doo and it makes a loud skittering noise. Fun fact: she is terrified of the vaccum cleaner and bananas! Anyway, Coffee is an adorable little stinker and I love her to pieces!

Don't leave your clothing  drawers open! by ArtsyGirl823

Originally posted 27 months ago. (permalink)
ArtsyGirl823 edited this topic 27 months ago.

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NB 2009 says:

Hello !
Alas, my dear cats are, today, all dead !
They were all remarkable and lovable cats, they died one after the other...
The siblings Titan and Turtu, born in 1997, died in 2012, respectivly in 2014.
Interesant ! /How interesting ! / C'est vraiment intéressant !

Beautiful old cat

aprilie-iunie 2012 024


The younger, rescued, sweet cat Negruţa (Noiraude, Blackie), born in 2003, died 1st of february 2022.

Chats 2


I miss them all.
Originally posted 27 months ago. (permalink)
NB 2009 edited this topic 27 months ago.

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koione says:

Hello, these are my four cats all rescue shelter cats. Beamer, Katie, Simba, and Smudge.
They are all inside cats. Beamer, the big black/white ( 18lbs.), was on the euthanize list, we said no no and adopted him. Katie, our calico, was born to a wild mother and is very independent. Simba is a ragdoll and hangs floppy when carried just like the doll, very loving and quiet.
Then there is the youngest, Smudge while driving 20 miles home we heard a sound and in the driveway looked and found him on the gas tank/axle area of our car he had survived a 20-mile terrifying ride to his new home. he was covered in oil and grease hence the name smudge. He has a bubbly, sweet personality!
They all love each other and even grieved when our dog passed away, who treated them like her litter.

Four Cats at Dinnertime by koione

23 months ago (permalink)

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Alora S. Griffin is a group moderator Alora S. Griffin says:

Foxieone: Your cats have found a loving home. welcome to the group!
23 months ago (permalink)

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koione says:

Alora S. Griffin: Thanks!
23 months ago (permalink)

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Cindy Marie Photo says:

Jos (2y) fought with the other cats in his former home so the made the decision of giving him for adoption.
I adopted him.
In the car he layed his paw on my arm through the bars of the transporter. I knew it would be okay. After two hours in the house he followed me everywhere. He is not the aggresive cat they said. Never had a more affectionate cat than him. He seems to be a big American Shorthair. So happy that this adoption went so smooth.
23 months ago (permalink)

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Alora S. Griffin is a group moderator Alora S. Griffin says:

Cindy Marie Photo: He obviously loves being the only cat! Welcome to the group.
23 months ago (permalink)

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Zlatoglazka says:

I live with three cats and recently learn to make proper pictures of them. Will be happy to share my results with community.
For now here is the rare moment where all three ladies are resting in the same spot (it is phone photo though). From the nearest to the farthest are: Asya, Murzilka and Anfisa. Asya is Anfisa's granny and Murzilka is her nanny. And Anfisa is our beloved "little" princess.
Originally posted 22 months ago. (permalink)
Zlatoglazka edited this topic 22 months ago.

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solange.rutz says:

I have 6 cats . Each one a whole different world ...
This is Olivia :

owl by solange.rutz

22 months ago (permalink)

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solange.rutz says:

This is Frida:

spooky by solange.rutz

22 months ago (permalink)

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solange.rutz says:

This Brahma:

panther by solange.rutz

22 months ago (permalink)

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solange.rutz says:

And those are Pitú (grey), Picasso (black&white) and Frida again:

cat^3 by solange.rutz

Originally posted 22 months ago. (permalink)
solange.rutz edited this topic 22 months ago.

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solange.rutz says:

and last but not least, Vincent, the newcomer:

vincent by solange.rutz

22 months ago (permalink)

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Alora S. Griffin is a group moderator Alora S. Griffin says:

Zlatoglazka: Please post photos of your lovely cats soon!
22 months ago (permalink)

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Alora S. Griffin is a group moderator Alora S. Griffin says:

Welcome to you and your cats!
22 months ago (permalink)

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Pauline_Perla says:

My cats says Hello to everyone ))))

Cutie by Pauline_Perla

Black cat by Pauline_Perla

22 months ago (permalink)

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Hestia says:

Hello, I just posted a few pics of my spotty cat Sir Pounce getting adventurous with my wardrobe. His name is a Game of Thrones reference but also short for Sir Pounce-a-lot.

Restless Boy by Hestia

My black cat's name is Zorro, named for the way he used to leave "the mark of Zorro" on our legs when he was a kitten.
Back up copy by Hestia

13 months ago (permalink)

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Unfettered Images says:

slash claws it's an honor to bleed for the kitties
12 months ago (permalink)

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Kenneth Seech says:

Hi All,
I don't have a cat at the moment, but really enjoy cats that hang out with friends and family. Will probably post those photos and some of my old cat friend, Kimba.
10 months ago (permalink)

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Larry D Bechdol says:

I have two cats, twin sisters. They are M&M or Mint & Marigold, now about 3.5 years old. They may be twins but have very different personalities. While both were very scared at 9 months when I found them, both have calmed dow a lot.

Mint: Now is very cuddly, likes to lie on my lap when I use the computer, or sleep on the photo printer, near me. She is the 'announcer'. Often she will drag me from my tasks, want food or a snack, but once there, walks away and Marigold will then eat the snack. She will sleep on the bed in early morning once she hears me moving around. She loves a good play, sleeps 'on hgh' (top shelf of bookcase, top rung of cat tree, etc). She is the alpha cat.

Marigold: She is much more cautious, would not allow raondom pets at all for a long time EXCEPT at BRUSH TIME!, generally in the morning. She likes to play, especially with Mint; teases Mint some. In the last 6 months she has calmed down a lot. She loves to be brushed and L_O_N_G brush times are definitely permitted. Anytime. She cheats by lying on the bed cover, not the large towel there for them.
7 months ago (permalink)

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