Discussions (69)

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‎M is a group administrator ‎M says:

A warm welcome to everyone who has joined "Cats! Cats! Cats!".

I hope that you will have fun in sharing your photos with other people that enjoy the art of photography and cats.

If you are new to this group, please say hello, and maybe tell us more about yourself by replying to this topic.
Originally posted at 12:40PM, 5 November 2014 PDT (permalink)
‎M edited this topic 6 months ago.

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mariannedraegonprokop says:

My sister rescues and cares for many, many cats. She lives with our Mom who you will often see in my cat photos. They have nine cats living with them, but always several others that they are trying to adopt out. They are the primary cat lovers... I love them both and honor their commitment to these animals. My kudos go out to Tina, my sister and my sweet mom.

M Draegon Prokop
118 months ago (permalink)

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stewart charnock says:

Thanks for the invite to this group, we have two cats, Emily and Kira who are sisters we rescued from the cats protection league in Warrington.
118 months ago (permalink)

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Yam Amir says:

Hi everyone, I'm Yam.
I got a lovely British longhair, Elphaba, she is awesome :)
I've never been the cat type of person , until I met her that is...
Originally posted 118 months ago. (permalink)
Yam Amir edited this topic 118 months ago.

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Taxizentrale Vogt says:

G.M Photography:

Hej, hej, thanks for invite me to your group. We have two beautiful Norwegian forest cats, Pelle and Svartisen. The other ones are normal European shorthair, but with beautiful caracter. My love Blacky Picasso and Fidel Castro are our older babies 13 years old and some guest cats are coming, too. All are welcome.... So my family and me thanks alot. Best wishes from the Black Forest ♥. Nadine & Gerald.
118 months ago (permalink)

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DomenicoApp says:

Hello cats lovers.
I live in Italy in a small village. We don't own any cats but use to feed the ones coming around every day. This is country life I guess... and cats don't they just go wherever they want?
Thank you for your invitation to the group, it' good to mess with kind hearted people.
I'll try to upload the few pict I have and hope you enjoy them. (I should take new photos actually, shouldn't I?)
118 months ago (permalink)

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cottage studio images says:

Hello fellow cat lovers, and shutterbugs. I have two cats both were adopted from pet shelters. Gillie, the older female (13 years old) is a long-hair with good markings and a lovely personality. She has been with me for 12 years. Mr. Mistofeeles is the male and about 1.5 years old. He is black with white whiskers, paws and chest. He is demanding; gets into everything; is very, very vocal and has me wrapped around his paw.

Many times I will be busy doing something and notice one or the other is in a perfect positon for a picture so I grab my camera and snap away. Glad to be part of a group I can share the pics with.
118 months ago (permalink)

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✮ Yana G. ✮ says:


My name is Yana and I am a student photographer from Canada. I enjoy taking photos of my two cats. My black and white kitty is named Lee and he loves to snuggle and purr. My orange one is named Mandy and she loves to run around and meow for attention with her cute, squeaky voice. ^^ I hope you guys enjoy my photos. I am looking forward to seeing all the cute kitties.
118 months ago (permalink)

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ゆき★ says:

Hello everyone!

My name's Bruna and I'm from Brazil.
I'm a Game Designer student but I love taking pictures.
I always have just dogs and recently me and my mom adopted a rescued kitty, we are enjoying a lot living with a cat, we gave the name "Hikari".
It's a bit difficult to take photos of Hikari when she's awake 'cause hikari loves to play and don't stop, but I'm trying! haha
I hope you guys enjoy my photos! ^_^)
Originally posted 117 months ago. (permalink)
ゆき★ edited this topic 117 months ago.

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Hendraxu says:

Hi All,

My name is Hendra and my nationality is Indonesian. Currently living in Philippines for earning penny. I like cat a lot and had a lot of cats when I was small. Missing to have cat again and hope you guys enjoy my photos...Thanks ^_^
117 months ago (permalink)

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jds4920 says:

Hi my name is deena and I am from Nevada. Thank you for the welcoming to this group. I have loved cats of all kinds all of my life, but I am partial to long haired cats as if you could not tell. I love my three cats and they all have such a different personality which I hope that I can capture in my photo's.
117 months ago (permalink)

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DeeEssPhotography says:

Hi everyone,

I'm Dean, I live with my partner Sarah (in the house that our four cats own!) in Bideford, North Devon. They are all rescue cats in a way, Tiggy the matriarch was Sarah's mums cat who visited while mum moved house, and has stayed for the last 12 years; Frodo, the only male, was our friends cat but his son developed an allergy when he was very young so Frodo came to live with us. Bella & Luna are sisters who we rescued from the Cats Protection group here in Devon, they came to us as 9 week old kittens and are now just past their second birthdays.

I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone elses cats get up to and hopefully share some of the moments that we have with our four furry friends.
117 months ago (permalink)

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Susan M Williams says:

My name is Susan and I have had cats for the past 20 years. I recently lost my lovely black & white cat after 21 years. But I now have a kitten who is being such a whirlwind and is enjoying his first Christmas tree. I also have a 14 year old and at last they are getting along well.
Originally posted 117 months ago. (permalink)
Susan M Williams edited this topic 117 months ago.

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katelynmaee says:

Hello! Im Katelyn. When I was in high school I fell in love with photography, but my camera got dirty on the inside and I was too lazy to clean it (sad I know). Recently I purchased a groupon for a camera cleaning kit and am back at it! I have 4 cats. Alexander, Cara Mia, Tigger, and Luigi. If I could I would have like, ten more. Really all I do in my free time is take pictures of them, so dont be surprised if you see me consistently posting kitty photos!
117 months ago (permalink)

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G. Rangel says:

Hey! Im Gabriel. I started with photography when i was 15 years old because my uncle is a photographer, and i fell in love with it. I have a D3100 with a 18-55 lens. Nowadays i don't have any cats, but my grandma and some relatives do, so im always taking pictures of them :D
117 months ago (permalink)

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Jordi Cucurull says:

Hello, I am Jordi. I really like cats and, despite I am not currently taking many pictures of them, I have joined the group to see the other's people pictures. And as soon as I have a cat's picture I upload it here! :-)
117 months ago (permalink)

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Lucretia711 says:

Hi everyone,

My name is Ziheng. I'm from Shanghai, China. My wife and I have 2 cats. We love taking pictures for our cats, friend's cats and homeless cats. Hope you enjoy my photos!
116 months ago (permalink)

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aViaTioNuT says:

Hello All, to your surprise i don't have any cats. But i work in a region where cats are near by...so whenever i got time i grab my camera and go visit them.
116 months ago (permalink)

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vincenthopson56 says:

Hi everyone We have one cat "Tom" who together with our dog is my best "model" although he does get fed up with the camera pointed at him!
116 months ago (permalink)

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PeaceAndStardust says:

Hey guys! My name is Becka, and I've got a maincoon named "Diego", but we call him "Ego"! He's about 6 years old, and he's fluffy as fluffy can be!!
116 months ago (permalink)

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cjdc1189 says:

Hi there! My name is Caroline. I'm the proud mom of 3 wonderful cats! My two oldest are about 12 1/2 yrs old - named Maya and Kun Peng. Maya is the boss of the house. Just adopted the 3rd family member Atticus, in October. He just turned 1.
116 months ago (permalink)

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E5KIM0 says:

Hello everyone, my name is Hannah and i currently share my home with 6 crazy cats.
. Socks - age 8 (He is the only male cat in the house, and loves everyone)
. Boo - age 8 (She thinks she is the boss)
. Mocha - age 9 (She is our beautiful Oriental)
. Luna - age 2 (She is the adventurous one, always getting into trouble)
. Poppy and Willow - age 1 (The terrible two, its hard to tell them apart sometimes)
I still don't know how i have ended up with so many furry friends, but i wouldn't live without them.
116 months ago (permalink)

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catguyjustin says:

Yo! My name is Justin, I go to Stark State for Media Technology, and I kinda like cats!
I have two cats!

Rengar- He's the youngest kitty! He's only 4 months old.
Whiskers- He's the oldest, He's about 9 years old, but he's still the cutest thing!
116 months ago (permalink)

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octavia florea says:


My name is Octavia, I'm from Bucharest, Romania and i live with 3 cats :)
I've got 2 gentlemen and an elegant lady :) Enjoy my lovely ones :P
116 months ago (permalink)

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shadows with light, denis says:

allow me to introduce myself; this is me, dennis, a cat lover...I just joined flickr and hope these thoughts find all members well and happy. my first image is Lenny in the early morning sun watching chirping birds...he was an excellent hunter and had complete control of access to our large yard, he was relentless, guarding his turf with superb skillset....I'm a great admirer of master photographer Ansel Adams, his thought provoking words guide me through the world of photography " You don't take a photograph, you make it" ......this is my passion :)) all the more to every member here.
Originally posted 115 months ago. (permalink)
shadows with light, denis edited this topic 115 months ago.

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carey.stephenson54 says:

G.M Photography:

Hi I'm Caroline

We have two cats - Trubshawe and Ollie (ultimate in rescue cats: he is the sole survivor of a litter of five dumped at birth). Still hold fond memories of Percy and his brother Edmund (yes there is Blackadder influence) who are no longer with us.
115 months ago (permalink)

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Leo a Mia says:

Hi, my name is Jela, I'm from Slovakia and I have two cats breed Maine Coon Leo and Mia, through which I discovered my passion for photography, and it happened that I was taking pictures of animals caught in heart. The camera I have not let go of his hand and my cats have become "victims" of my experimentation. Gradually I began to photograph other cats, dogs, children, but all that is around. I try to make my photos were something interesting, comforters, entertain and make you comfortable viewing them.
115 months ago (permalink)

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emrudaphotography says:

Hi, I'm Elaine and I live in NYC with my 2 cats, Mou and Jake. Mou was a street cat who was brought to a no-kill shelter by my uncle last winter. I fell in love with her and decided to take her and her new spunky companion Jake home. I love taking photos of them, landscapes, and my urban environment.
115 months ago (permalink)

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aliarizona47 says:

Hi! My name is Allison (some call me Ali Cat ) and I have loved cats for as long as I can remember! I have three of my own and they certainly keep life interesting. I thought two was plenty, but I recently adopted a stray kitten that someone abandoned out in the desert miles away from any residence. He is such a wonderful cat! It's hard to believe that he almost didn't get a chance. I love to try capturing all of their antics on camera. It is not easy!!
Originally posted 115 months ago. (permalink)
aliarizona47 edited this topic 115 months ago.

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domrodgers70 says:

Hi, My name is Dominic (Dom). I have one cat, Barny (she's a girl with a boys name), She adopted me one day after i found her sleeping rough in one of our barns, hence the name Barny.
115 months ago (permalink)

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jenna_rao says:

Hi, I am new to the group, flickr and photography.
I received my first DSLR (Canon EOS 100D) for Christmas.
I have three cats - Milo, Marmaduke and Zebadee.
I hope I can contribute some nice photos to the group.
115 months ago (permalink)

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vegas_iwish says:

Have been on Flickr for yrs but have joined no groups for whatever reason. Have about 1100 cat pics +2500 other on. 1st lived with a cat when 8 in 1968 & have had 1 or more all but 4yrs since. Current 1 here in vegas was wandering at my prior apt complex until taken in. Have done some Best Friends volunteering & would like to do more. Love cats & can't wait to see more pics.
Mike B
115 months ago (permalink)

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' A r t ' says:

Unfortunately no cats in my home is one of my children is allergic, but I got a few running around in my garden. I do love cats - although do not have that many cat shots, but i had a few I wanted share.
115 months ago (permalink)

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Szymon Wiatr says:

Hi, my name is Szymon. I used to have much more cuts but now I have just two: Mieczysław and his mother called Jagoda. :) In my photographs of cats I try to show their individuality, soul and character. And beauty of course.
Good luck in your photographing!
115 months ago (permalink)

third thumb [deleted] says:

I am Tracy, recently moved to Honolulu from Texas. Because Hawaii has extremely rigid laws about bringing in pets I was was forced to leave my precious kitty with my mother until I return to Texas. I miss her desperately.
115 months ago (permalink)

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wildcatwoodscats says:

I am Cheri and have a rescued feral cat sanctuary in the mountains of North Carolina. They are often the subject of my photos along with my neighbor cats.
114 months ago (permalink)

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colliedlight says:

I'm Tiffany, we don't have cats but I love animals!
114 months ago (permalink)

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Fitzrovia says:

How d'you do?

I have a cat called Pushkin who I love dearly. Lovely to meet you all.
114 months ago (permalink)

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p.franche malade - long covid says:


I' m Pascal, I leave in Brussels and I like cats, I have shhoted the cat of my son.

Best regards .

114 months ago (permalink)

nonchalant cow [deleted] says:


I'm Andrea from italy...sometimes I like to take a pics of my brother cat named Tobia...sometimes you will see these pics in my photostream

Best regards

Originally posted 114 months ago. (permalink)
nonchalant cow edited this topic 114 months ago.

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Aroa Monterde says:

Hi everyone!
I'm from Spain and two feral cats adopted us three years ago; Will Panther and Señor Bigotes. I love taking photos of them even if they are unstoppable and it's mission impossible.

Best regards :D
114 months ago (permalink)

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* Nicoletta says:

Hello! I'm Niki, from Italy :)

I love cats and taking pictures, so I try to combine those two things and to make nice pics!

Remember to say hi to your cat from me!!
114 months ago (permalink)

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laurencefievez says:

G.M Photography:

Hi, I'm Laurence and I'm from Belgium. I got my diploma in photography in 2014. In each of my photos I try to make you feel an emotion, a feeling.Indeed, the photography is for me a means to express an another way that by words.Indeed, photography for me is another way to express other than by words.
114 months ago (permalink)

unbiased zebra [deleted] says:

G.M Photography:

Hello! I'm Amy from Wales. I have 2 pet cats, a brother and sister named Penny & Sheldon who are a Persian cross breed.

I mostly post landscape / nature photos from where I live and my travels, but also post photos of my cats, daily life and home.

114 months ago (permalink)

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ZhaosWolf says:


I'm Matt from near Wakefield, UK. I have a 15 year old kitten called Tilly. She acts as a good test subject for new equipment :D. I mainly take abstract photographs as well as shooting the odd bit of music and anything else that takes my fancy!
114 months ago (permalink)

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nynx.blackdeathkitty1224 says:

Hi I'm Nynx
114 months ago (permalink)

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The Potters Lamp Photography says:

Aside from my kids I love my cats LOL my other favorite photo subject.
114 months ago (permalink)

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AlieDeScholver says:

G.M Photography:

Hello, recently we've adopted a cat that moved two times in his life.
We live in an apartment and decided to give him a new home.
His name is Cartouche and he's 9 months old.
Thanks for accepting me to this group.

Enjoy the black and white pictures I added and the one of our other cat Ramses.

113 months ago (permalink)

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8803(hayaosa) says:

Hello !
Everyone's photos , we are asked to let look fun .

113 months ago (permalink)

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Florio Harrison Photographer says:

Thank you for adding me.
I am a NY photographer from Transylvania.
Me and my family LOVE cats and animal in general.
113 months ago (permalink)

marvelous pull [deleted] says:

Thank you for adding me. I have two cats (Oreo & Snickers), both rescued from the streets. I am an artist specialising in animals.
113 months ago (permalink)

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Gemma Louise2 says:

Hello I am new to the group, I have one cat called Murphy she is a tortoiseshell cat and is 8 months old! she is very playful and one of my favourite photo subjects :).
113 months ago (permalink)

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Lana Pahl / Country Star Photography/The Best of P says:

Hi all cat lovers! I saw this group and felt it was a great one to join. I have three cats-one, Cadalwee is the 18 year old mother of her two 16 year old babies, Ozzie and Little Qwanktenz. I have enjoyed the company of cats since I was old enough to walk. Love all of the cat stories.
113 months ago (permalink)

motionless front [deleted] says:

Hello cat lovers from everywhere! Love my furry little friends, laugh all the time.
Hope you enjoy my cats, as I will enjoy all of yours.
I have 4 cats now, Smokey, Patches, Thunder, and Browney, and love them all dearly.
I use to feed all the strays, but ended up with 30 some cats, we lived in the country.
Loved them all, and fixed them all! Thanks for all the stories and pics.
112 months ago (permalink)

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Wanderlust1907 says:

New on Flickr and a just started with photography. I got a Sony A6000 a few weeks ago and slowly started taking my first few steps in the wonderful world of photography. Comments and constructive critics are things I am looking for, so they are always welcome!

I live in the Netherlands, Nijmegen. Love travelling, wildlife, landscapes, concerts/festivals and my cats! Hope to get to know more people on Flickr and be part of a good, fun and friendly community.

Me and my wife have two cats, both red Maine Coons (Ko-Ko and Kyran). We adopted them when they were 5 years old. Ko-Ko is a cute stubborn female and like the do stuff exactly the way she wants to do it! Kyran is a male, a bit stupid, but a joy to watch and laugh with (and at).
112 months ago (permalink)

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www.iwip.eu says:

Hi Everyone!
I am Ekaterina and me and my hubby have a wonderful red mix (maine Coon and Norwegian forest cat) named Gustav. He's a living disaster, who's managed to acquire epilepsy, asthma and diabetes by the age of 8 and is a wonder for all the vets who examined him. We love him dearly as he's the kindest softest and sweetest there is
112 months ago (permalink)

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APiira says:


I'm from Finland, and I had photographed seriously about 7 years, actively and not-so-actively. Still I feel I got a lot to learn, haha :D

I don't have my own cat (or not yet!) but my parents have four cats. One of them is Norwegian forest cat and others are domestic cats.
It's always funny to follow cats with camera, because you never know what is gonna happen when you have cat company :)
112 months ago (permalink)

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Naïwenn says:

Hi everybody !

I'm French, and i'm 19 y.o I moslty photograph animals, mainly cats and my guinea pig :D
I don't have any cat, but there are a lot around my house and my boyfriends has 2 \o/ I love cats, they seems to be always calm and majectic ; it's a pleasure to photograph them.

I hope I'm going to see beautiful photographies and you will enjoy mine :D
112 months ago (permalink)

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Salvatore Gerace says:

Hello everyone,
I'm excited to share with you my favorite photos on cats.
I hope you enjoy them! :)
111 months ago (permalink)

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tyler.rohl says:

Hey can't wait to see all of your works of art and hopefully produce some enjoyable photos for you. My names Tyler and I'm from Michigan
111 months ago (permalink)

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Lalapisani says:

A cat group!! Of course I'll join!
Well, I have 2 cats (Tiger & Totti), plus my sister's cats that are staying here right now (Luna & Lolo).
111 months ago (permalink)

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❀*´◡`*❀Jo Zimny Photos❀*´◡`*❀ says:

Even though I don't have a cat, I do love them. I am an animal lover, no matter what they are. I live in a neighbourhood where cats roam around from time to time. I haven't seen many around but when I do I love to snap their photo.
Originally posted 111 months ago. (permalink)
❀*´◡`*❀Jo Zimny Photos❀*´◡`*❀ edited this topic 111 months ago.

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bullcitydave says:

I was an early Flickr adopter and loved to share photos of my two old cats (Aremid and Zellouisa -- easy to find by searching) in Flickr groups. It's been a few years since I've been actively posting photos to Flickr and am trying to organize them all now; it's so much harder now that I might snap a couple dozen photos of my new cats (Buster and Lucille) and dog on a given day. I'm trying to figure out how to best sort out the best and then a good place to share them. This group is a good place to start!
111 months ago (permalink)

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BHutzell says:

I grew up with a cat named Sam, and have only rarely been without cat companions ever since.
111 months ago (permalink)

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silvialbertina says:

Hi! I'm Silvia, I'm a newbie to flickr as well as a beginner photographer. I have a cat named Pepe, Gianni or Pannide (because "a cat must have three different names", as a poet said :)
111 months ago (permalink)

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mayumi_yokoyama says:

Hi, my name is Mayumi. I loooove cats! I am a crazy cat lover and a cat doll artist.
I make cat dolls and take photos of them with my beloved real cat named "Jiro". I hope everyone will enjoy the funny and cute pictures of my realisitic cat dolls and my real cat Jiro :)
111 months ago (permalink)

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graemes83 says:

Hi, my name is Graeme. New to Flickr and this group. Had cats all my life, currently have a Russian Blue called Boris, and sadly just lost a Bengal called Chui (means Leopard in Swahili). Anyway have literally hundereds of pictures of Chui, Boris is a lot harder to photograph well. Just added a few of Chui to the group, hope you like them.
110 months ago (permalink)

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petermj_2000 says:

Hi, my name is Peter. I've always had cats all my life. Now I have a happy family of 7 feral cats. I can get close to them, but can't pet them yet. They are fun to watch playing in the yard. Also great for getting rid of snakes and mice. I expect my cat family will grow large since I have 6 females. I miss having a lazy cat in the house, but I have two hyper active dogs, wouldn't be fair to the cat. Been taking pictures since my high school days.
110 months ago (permalink)

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mmitch2008 says:

I have two cats, Zelda and BMO. They seem to be my most willing subjects, so I end up with a lot of pictures of them! I live on a farm smack dab in the middle of the United States with my husband. I am a Library Clerk at our local public library. My three great loves in life are cats, books, and photography!
110 months ago (permalink)

divergent library [deleted] says:

Hi, I'm Miya and I have one cat called Ninja. She's 8 yrs and hates (!) my camera. "OMG! Not again!" Well, I think the eyes are telling me that anyway, but I won't let that stop me. =)
110 months ago (permalink)

heady oatmeal [deleted] says:

Hi - I am a cat lover and have just uploaded a couple of photos of my two rescue cats, Morag & Clive (they hate each other!)
110 months ago (permalink)

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Aldona Induła says:

My cat, Zofia, passed away two years ago. I don't have a cat at the moment, but I love them.
110 months ago (permalink)

accurate pipe [deleted] says:

Hi! My name is Nicholas and I'm from Italy!
My cat is called Strudel, he's a young european cat who really loves to be photographed...so here we are!!!
110 months ago (permalink)

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.Mike.C. says:

Hi, everyone. My name is Mike from NY. My cat's name is Maxine and she's my shadow. She sleeps a lot, and when she's not sleeping she follows me around wanting to play, and her playtime just so happens to be when I get home from work or am about to go to bed myself. She's about 8 years old.
110 months ago (permalink)

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lorenz.markus97 says:

Hi! My name is Markus from Austria.

I had two lovely cats, which sadly passed away 1 year ago.

But my grandmother unintentionally adopted 3 stray cats by feeding them regulary. Their names are Mutzi (black cat, if you watch my photos), Carlo (grey cat) and the third one, which just joined the group hasn't got a name yet (black cat with white paws). We don't know how old they are, but it seems that Mutzi is the youngest, Carlo middle-aged and the black-white one is the oldest.

They are sleeping the most time of the day, but are hyper-active when there are visitors.
110 months ago (permalink)

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dorchain.mylene says:

Hello !

I don't like to talk about me, so I would say nothing interesting, except I love cats.
I have one, he's so cute, always with us. Wherever we goes, he follow.

Wish enjoy to see your pics and maybe I'll contribute to with some of mine ^^

See you !
109 months ago (permalink)

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Stabbur's Master says:

Hello fellow cat lovers!

I have seven cats, two inside cats and five that live on my back deck. Four of the outside cats are feral and were born under the deck 10 years ago. Yes, I have been taking care of four feral cats for 10 years! All seven of my cats have been fixed. The four ferals were fixed in a feral spay and release program at the Richmond SPCA.

I look forward to sharing photos of my cats, and more importantly, I look forward to enjoying everyone else's photos.
109 months ago (permalink)

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PhotoTJH says:

Hello all,

I am Tom from Westzaan (village close to Amsterdam in the Netherlands), born in 1971 in Amsterdam, survived a bad childhood and past, including a stroke in July 2014, and my best friends today are cats, because they are reliable and honest. I have a cat called Neelix, and my hobby is to take pictures of him (and a lot of other things). Yes, Neelix is named after a character from startrek voyager.

109 months ago (permalink)

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Seeing Things My Way... says:

Hi Cat Lovers...

I'm Justin, from Sydney Australia & my wife & I have recently re-inherited the family cat (it's complicated!!). Lola has come from living in the inner-city, with a postage-stamp size concrete back yard, to our home on the Northern Beaches, with a big grassy back yard full of more Nature than she can readily handle... yet
109 months ago (permalink)

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tmeta.ru says:


I'm the owner of two cute siberian cats with special colouring which some associations devide to the separate bread. When i was born i've already had a cat near me, since then i always had cats around me. Can't imagine my life without them. I love mine. But also i feels very lucky if i find interest kitty in her real life.

Be self-confident as a cat.
108 months ago (permalink)

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Kareshka says:

Hi!, I'm Karina, I'm from Chile and I'm 21 years old. I'm just starting in this awesome world of photography and I hope my cat will too ;) I love cats more than humans!
108 months ago (permalink)

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StraightEdgeSmurf says:

Hello, I'm Chris my wife Jenny and I found this very sweet and gentle cat hanging around our apartment when we moved in a few months back. Jenny called her Little Lion because she said that's what she looked like. We figured she was homeless and we were right as a few of our neighbors relayed to us that a previous tenant owned her but left her behind when they left, so we took her in and made her a part of our family.
108 months ago (permalink)

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...Luna... says:


My name is Luna, I'm from Spain. I don' have any cats because my oldest brother is allergic :(, although I would like to have one. The photo I share was from a little village called Cambrils in Spain, in the port there are some cats that live there.

108 months ago (permalink)

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Kayleigh G. says:


My name is Kayleigh. I'm from the Netherlands. I have two Maine Coon kittens: Ocean and Odin. They make me laugh all day because of their 'strange' behavior.

Visit my Photostream to see them!
108 months ago (permalink)

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Siula85 says:

Hi, I'm Karen.

I'm owned by three cats. A white and black male, Felix who is eleven. KC, a sweet tabby girl who is thirteen and the baby of the bunch...Bella, a long haired tortoiseshell. All the cats are rescue cats.
108 months ago (permalink)

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Rbueno fotografía. Chilena. says:


I'm Roxana and I loooooove cats. I'm the happy owner of three beautiful ladies (Isis, Ara and Cira) and my aunt happens to own 5 cats, so I just spend my days taking pictures of them.
I love photography and I'm learning.

I'm from Chile :)
107 months ago (permalink)

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posierosieposie says:

Hi all :)
I'm Rosie and love my cats - just getting into photography so any feedback much appreciated.
107 months ago (permalink)

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Reinis Fischer says:

Hi there,
I'm Reinis - a proud owner of two cats - mastering my DSLR skills, cats are sometimes my photo models. Any feedback appreciated :)
107 months ago (permalink)

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Michellekwphotos says:

I'm Michelle. I have 3 cats. Kitty who is 16 years old. Pearl who is mean and terrorizes my dog Finn. Rowdy is the sweetest, most loving, laid back cat. He is the worst name cat ever. He is the complete opposite of rowdy.
107 months ago (permalink)

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robconvery245 says:

Hi there, My name is Rob. My wife breeds Selkirk Rex's and I take lots of Cat related pictures
107 months ago (permalink)

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Herno73 says:

Hi everyone, I just joined this group and flickr only recently. My name is Chris and my cat's name is Katie. I'll be uploading pics of her soon and will post some to the group. She is my little furball.
106 months ago (permalink)

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dianecorfield says:

Thank you for the invite you your board! My name is Diane and I have 6 cats! 5 Ragdoll cats Buckey, Checkers, Siddy (our only female), Buzzy and our newest addition the baby Cammy! Then we have our special needs baby Patches. He has congenital heart disease and arthritis. He was a stray on the street and we adopted him. Not sure of his age but we have had him for 13 years. We also live with an African Grey Parrot, Oscar, we have had him for 22 years and he is 25 years old. Sorry for the long story hahahahaha: )
106 months ago (permalink)

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mott666 says:

Hi there cat lovers. My name is Brett & I have two Scottish Folds, Bruce & Rufus.
They coolest brothers that walk the planet on four feet. I will post more photos of them very soon. Though Bruce now seems to have a phobia of my camera. As a few years back a greeting card company in America used a photo of him on a card (Avanti Press-Trooper Cat) and now when he sees me with my camera he bolts. I'm sure he screams at me "Bloody Paparazzi!" ( www.amazon.co.uk/Trooper-Police-Birthday-Card-Avanti/dp/B... ) You can see him using this link.
Cats rule!
106 months ago (permalink)

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sehr seriös says:

I love cats, I love every kind of cat. I just wanna have all of them... lalala

Thanks to my lovely cats beeing patient models.
106 months ago (permalink)

clumsy quicksand [deleted] says:

Hello! I'm Inka. I have two cats and friends with cats. I like taking photos of them. Cats are so cool. Nice to be part of sharing pictures of our furry friends!
106 months ago (permalink)

orange rock [deleted] says:

Two cats recently came into my life and my apartment. One is handsome and begrudgingly allows his picture to be taken. The other is a quirky oddball who craves all attention.
105 months ago (permalink)

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ChatBeaute.net says:

Thanks for inviting me. I'm a french photographer pierto.net and a cat lover, so I went for ChatBeaute.net :) Nice to see many cats here !
105 months ago (permalink)

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polara1se says:

The photo is my cat Mascara, aka Masken (the worm or mask in swedish). She is a kitten, 8 months old, and amix. Norwegian Forest cat/Birma/ British short hair.
I´m not a professional photographer but take pictures if i see something beautiful and hope it turns out ok.
105 months ago (permalink)

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natlas says:

Hi, I'm Natalia and I'm the owner of two cats Bazyl (9) and Floki (1,5). Bazyl is a neurotic tabby while Floki - a cheerful and very self-confident bicolor. Unfortunately (for them, not for all other small creatures) they don't go outside, so I have to provide them with lots of activity. I love taking pics of them while they're sleeping, playing, sparring and I hope you'll enjoy these shots too :)
105 months ago (permalink)

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Francesco Ghezzi Alcova says:

Hello, I'm Francesco from Milano, Italy. I have five cats and, with two dogs, we are a big family. This group is wonderful !! ciao!! :D
104 months ago (permalink)

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waby.pete says:

Ay up mi ducks. Hello my name is Pete from a small town on the Derbyshire/Nottinghamshire border.

We have 3 tom cats, rescued after people abandoned them.

No 1 is Thomas, who we think is about 8 years old. His favourite trick is to jump on the bed, to let us know it is time to get out of the bed and let him out.

No 2 is Snowy, Woo Woo or as we prefer to call him Mr Woo. As you can imagine he is a white cat, but so loving. When we move here, the poor cat was abandoned and in poor shape. I kept working on him and eventually he came inside from the cold. He like nothing more than to curl up in my lap.

No 3 is the youngest and we called him 'Kit-kit' Do not ask why cos even we do not know. Sadly he was left behind when our Polish neighbours left home. Again he was living rough on our garden for a long time, but again I worked on him and he is now happily indoors out the cold.

We also have a rabbit called Oscar and a donkey by the name of Murphy.
104 months ago (permalink)

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