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Judith Butler’s Sophistry

Judith Butler’s status in the world of gender studies is nothing short of legendary. If philosophy can be considered a series of footnotes to Plato, gender studies is a series of footnotes to Butler. Her first book, Gender Trouble, hit the scene in 1990 and became a feminist classic, . . . . Continue Reading »

The Future of The Catholic Church

Is the Second Vatican Council receding in the church’s rearview mirror? Has the Francis pontificate raised new and difficult questions about the exercise of papal authority? Is the Roman Church poised to become non-Western? Can popes and bishops teach effectively in a time of rampant individualism . . . . Continue Reading »

Arabic, A Christian Language

To whom does a language belong? One might think it the possession of all who speak it. But as anyone who has learned a foreign language can attest, one receives such a language as an ill-fitting garment, awkward until broken in through sustained and strenuous effort. Or perhaps a language is the . . . . Continue Reading »

Incline Your Ear

Imagine the shell you findon the beach, a large conch,half-buried, glistening inmorning light, waiting to belifted, rinsed, held cupped to your ear: This is your body,listen and hear; blood flows,pulse ticks, the ocean hums,waves curl, crest, hushed, foamlicks wet sand, thoughts rise, dissolve, wind . . . . Continue Reading »

Briefly Noted

If you’re interested in either the thought of St. John Paul II or masculinity in general, this is the book for you. In the first two parts, Delaney brilliantly summarizes and explains John Paul’s philosophy of the human person and his theology of the body. In the latter half of the book, Delaney . . . . Continue Reading »

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