June 2024 could be the hottest year ever recorded in history, as per the European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S). An unusually high temperature was recorded in the last month. This streak, which began in June 2023, has seen every month since then become the hottest of its kind recorded since records began. Some scientists suggest that 2024 is now poised to become the hottest year globally on record.

Factors responsible for hot weather conditions

Scientists have been blaming human-induced climate change and El Nino weather conditions behind the unusually high temperature. According to the latest data by Reuters, 2024 is anticipated to exceed 2023 as the hottest year to date. There is a 95% chance that 2024 will be the hottest year ever recorded after 1800, claimed Zeke Hausfather who is a research scientist at Berkeley Earth.

The heatwave conditions had a disastrous effect almost across the world in 2024. Deaths related to the heatwave were reported in New Delhi, more than 1,000 people lost their lives during the Hajj pilgrimage in June, and tourists in Greece also faced similar conditions.

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EL Nino Effect

El Nino is a climate phenomenon under which sea surface temperatures get warm in the central and eastern Pacific Ocean. As per the latest report, the intensity of El Nino has been on a declining trend recently and the world is currently in neutral conditions. Its effects can lead to flooding, droughts in many areas, and altered rainfall.

There is a high chance that 2024 will be the hottest year ever documented till now, stated Friederike Otto to Reuters, a climate scientist at Imperial College London’s Grantham Institute. She pointed out that El Nini is a natural phenomenon and it won’t be possible to control it but the burning of fossil fuels can also play a major role in causing climate change and that can be stopped.

Since last year, the world’s average temperature has been recorded at 1.64 degrees Celsius , as mentioned by C3S.

(With inputs from Reuters)