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Omnichannel communications

Credit applicants abandon applications for numerous reasons, but delivering compelling messages is key to re-engaging and winning back their business.

person using virtual reality headset

Executive Brief

Smart omnichannel digital communication helps you make the most of customer channel preferences to schedule and inform specific types of contacts, based on when prospects and customers are most likely to be receptive. Thanks to automation, FICO® Customer Communication Services can handle multiple hourly contact strategies that aren’t exclusively reliant on workforce capacity and shift patterns. Two-way digital dialogues ensure you can reach prospects at any time and via any channel. 

  • Re-engage potential customers who have abandoned applications with SMS or other omnichannel communications tailored to the point in the process where they abandoned
  • Use the opportunity to make a persuasive case that you’re the right financial services firm for them
  • Deliver on your promise for compelling, real-time digital account opening
  • Modify strategies, rules, workflows, and scripts without reliance on IT teams — responsiveness is everything in today’s market
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