Building a better food future for Nashville

FeedBack Nashville brings our community together to build a better food future for our city. A better food future for our city provides food security and food access for all, limits food waste and environmental harm, builds community, and strengthens Nashville’s local food and agricultural economy.

What We Do

  • Understand the Food System

    Our current food system in Nashville is leaving people hungry, creating food waste, challenging small-scale farmers, and harming our ecosystems. To resolve these negative outcomes, we need to understand why they’re happening. FeedBack Nashville brings together community members to describe the root causes and effects of challenges like hunger, food waste, and environmental harm in our current food system.

  • Envision the Better Future

    Once we understand our current food system, we can begin to imagine a better food future for our city; a future that provides food security and food access for all, limits food waste and environmental harm, builds community, and strengthens Nashville’s local food and agricultural economy. Through community events like potlucks and community conversations, FeedBack Nashville brings residents together to create a shared vision for a more equitable, sustainable, and just food system for our city.

  • Pathways for Transformation

    After understanding the problem and envisioning the future, FeedBack Nashville collaborates with community members to identify transformational opportunities to help bring forth our shared vision of a better food future for Nashville. The opportunities we pursue will transform our food system to one that is socially-just, environmentally-safe and enables food to be produced, consumed and valued in affordable, nutritious, and sustainable ways for everyone in Nashville.

Let’s Work Together

Building a better food future for Nashville requires all of us to work together. Through citywide community engagement events and conversations, we are creating shared visions for Nashville’s food future and designing transformational opportunities to help us get there. Explore the links below to learn how to get involved today!

The Food System Survey

The FeedBack Nashville Food System Survey was designed to allow community members to share their thoughts, hopes, and ideas about food in Nashville. This survey asked a few questions about the Nashville community, and our “food system.” The survey is now closed and responses are being brought together with perspectives from across our community to help FeedBack Nashville build a better food future for our city!

Host a Community Event

We’re calling on community members and partner organizations to host a community event in collaboration with FeedBack Nashville. These community events are designed to engage as many community members in possible in sharing their experiences with Nashville’s food system with us. Curious? Check out our Facilitator’s Guidebook to learn more and get involved.

Stay in the Loop

Over the coming months, there will be a variety of ways to get involved with and support FeedBack Nashville, whether it’s through a community event at a partner organization or through our upcoming community conversation series. Join our newsletter to stay up to date on all the different ways to learn more about our efforts to build a just and sustainable food system for Nashville.


We want to hear from you!

Do you want to learn more, support, and/or get involved with FeedBack Nashville? Please reach out to us!

Thank You to Our Supporters