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(Yahoo)   White supremacist Patriot Front is in for it now: They've violated U-Haul's terms and conditions   ( divider line
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4616 clicks; posted to Main » on 09 Jul 2024 at 6:05 PM (2 weeks ago)   |   Favorite    |   share:  Copy Link

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2024-07-09 5:51:28 PM  
They know exactly who these assholes are and they're not gonna do shiat unless someone sends them incontrovertible evidence.
AirForceVet [TotalFark] [OhFark]  
Smartest (68)   Funniest (2)  
2024-07-09 5:56:13 PM  

Farking Clown Shoes: They know exactly who these assholes are and they're not gonna do shiat unless someone sends them incontrovertible evidence.

Of course, we could get lucky if a U-Haul stuffed full of Nazis get T-bones by a semi or dump truck.
2024-07-09 5:58:02 PM  
Let's get them to rent from Hertz. Hertz will have them shipped to Guantanamo.
Drunken Rampage [recently expired TotalFark]  
Smartest (101)   Funniest (76)  
2024-07-09 6:02:46 PM  

Tell Me How My Blog Tastes: Let's get them to rent from Hertz. Hertz will have them shipped to Guantanamo.

Hertz will report the van stolen, and when it gets pulled over several of the guys in back will have to run to the station, change into their uniforms and run back to provide backup.
emtwo [TotalFark]  
Smartest (84)   Funniest (5)  
2024-07-09 6:07:26 PM  

Farking Clown Shoes: They know exactly who these assholes are and they're not gonna do shiat unless someone sends them incontrovertible evidence.

Sending incontrovertible evidence to the police is the last thing anyone should do. That's just guaranteeing it will never get seen. Post that shiat on YouTube so it gets downloaded and copied before it can be disappeared.
2024-07-09 6:09:46 PM  

AirForceVet: Farking Clown Shoes: They know exactly who these assholes are and they're not gonna do shiat unless someone sends them incontrovertible evidence.

Of course, we could get lucky if a U-Haul stuffed full of Nazis get T-bones by a semi or dump truck.

Nothing so violent. Just a simple padlock on the latch.
olorin604 [OhFark]  
Smartest (28)   Funniest (46)  
2024-07-09 6:12:17 PM  
I want to see the press release when a police department loses a whole shift because the u+haul full of patriot front drove into a lake.
Lsherm [TotalFark] [OhFark]  
Smartest (23)   Funniest (0)  
2024-07-09 6:13:00 PM  

Farking Clown Shoes: They know exactly who these assholes are and they're not gonna do shiat unless someone sends them incontrovertible evidence.

UHaul doesn't vet customers very well. I don't even think they bother to check if you have insurance if you decline theirs. My brother once picked up a moving truck that I had reserved and used a friend's credit card to pay for it. At no point did anyone behind the counter seem bothered with the details.
2024-07-09 6:15:02 PM  

emtwo: Farking Clown Shoes: They know exactly who these assholes are and they're not gonna do shiat unless someone sends them incontrovertible evidence.

Sending incontrovertible evidence to the police is the last thing anyone should do. That's just guaranteeing it will never get seen. Post that shiat on YouTube so it gets downloaded and copied before it can be disappeared.

It funny how stuff gets ignored, until a million people watch it on YouTube, and then something finally happens.

There used to be a website called PINAC - Photography Is Not A Crime that did something like that.

Cops would take somebody's videotape, and laugh when the citizen asked for it back. Then a reporter would cover the story, the article shared on the PINAC website, a few hundred people around the country would call the police station, then the cops would finally return the camera or tape, sometimes with a cash payout.

This used to happen about every week, citizens getting their rights trampled on, and then cops having to apologize. For some reason, there's not a lot of media coverage of either.
Smartest (10)   Funniest (5)  
2024-07-09 6:16:08 PM  
"We don't ask customers about their personal views, political affiliations, religious beliefs, voting history, income level, educational background, race, gender, sexual preferences, or any other private information that is none of our business," Lockridge said.

"We're strong followers of equality and freedom of speech" sounds a bit better in any situation except supplying truckloads of Neo-Nazis. I'm surprised he didn't kick a sack full of Nazi gold into a Swiss bank while saying it.
Smartest (9)   Funniest (9)  
2024-07-09 6:16:18 PM  

Sword and Shield: AirForceVet: Farking Clown Shoes: They know exactly who these assholes are and they're not gonna do shiat unless someone sends them incontrovertible evidence.

Of course, we could get lucky if a U-Haul stuffed full of Nazis get T-bones by a semi or dump truck.

Nothing so violent. Just a simple padlock on the latch.

Throw a rabid skunk in first.
Mikey1969 [OhFark]  
Smartest (4)   Funniest (2)  
2024-07-09 6:16:50 PM  
Whew... Had to check to see what they violated in the T&C. I was afraid there was some clause that would have made it illegal to carry girl scout cookies, like some kind of no commerce clause.

That's how we always picked them up, we'd get a U-Haul and be loaded and gone before the people who disassembled an entire pallet, and loaded their car one box at a time. One year, I believe we had 5 1/2 pallets of cookies. 😁

But no such clause, they just violated the "no passengers in the back" clause, which is a HUGE safety issue.
Smartest (2)   Funniest (24)  
2024-07-09 6:17:11 PM  
Old and busted: U-boat

New hotness: U-haul
Mikey1969 [OhFark]  
Smartest (22)   Funniest (0)  
2024-07-09 6:18:58 PM  

UltimaCS: "We don't ask customers about their personal views, political affiliations, religious beliefs, voting history, income level, educational background, race, gender, sexual preferences, or any other private information that is none of our business," Lockridge said.

"We're strong followers of equality and freedom of speech" sounds a bit better in any situation except supplying truckloads of Neo-Nazis. I'm surprised he didn't kick a sack full of Nazi gold into a Swiss bank while saying it.

You're missing the point of that statement. They don't ask you what your political views are to rent a truck. They don't ask what you're using it for. If you have the money and a driver's license you can rent. I mean, the guy who signed the paperwork probably didn't sign it Nazi Nicholas, so I don't know how you think that u-haul was going to know.
2024-07-09 6:19:45 PM  

UltimaCS: "We don't ask customers about their personal views, political affiliations, religious beliefs, voting history, income level, educational background, race, gender, sexual preferences, or any other private information that is none of our business," Lockridge said.

"We're strong followers of equality and freedom of speech" sounds a bit better in any situation except supplying truckloads of Neo-Nazis. I'm surprised he didn't kick a sack full of Nazi gold into a Swiss bank while saying it.

Smartest (3)   Funniest (15)  
2024-07-09 6:20:58 PM  
external-preview.redd.itView Full Size
vudukungfu [TotalFark] [OhFark]  
Smartest (3)   Funniest (1)  
2024-07-09 6:22:40 PM  
I'm liking high speed pit maneuvers
2024-07-09 6:23:11 PM  
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Smartest (17)   Funniest (13)  
2024-07-09 6:25:13 PM  
s2.dmcdn.netView Full Size

Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake : Colonel... that Coca-Cola machine. I want you to shoot the lock off it. There may be some change in there.
Colonel "Bat" Guano : That's private property.
Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake : Colonel! Can you possibly imagine what is going to happen to you, your frame, outlook, way of life, and everything, when they learn that you have obstructed a telephone call to the President of the United States? Can you imagine? Shoot it off! Shoot! With a gun! That's what the bullets are for, you twit!
Colonel "Bat" Guano : Okay. I'm gonna get your money for ya. But if you don't get the President of the United States on that phone, you know what's gonna happen to you?
Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake : What?
Colonel "Bat" Guano : You're gonna have to answer to the Coca-Cola company.
Smartest (8)   Funniest (1)  
2024-07-09 6:25:14 PM  

Sword and Shield: AirForceVet: Farking Clown Shoes: They know exactly who these assholes are and they're not gonna do shiat unless someone sends them incontrovertible evidence.

Of course, we could get lucky if a U-Haul stuffed full of Nazis get T-bones by a semi or dump truck.

Nothing so violent. Just a simple padlock on the latch.

That is a great amount of weight for the uhaul if people are packed like sardines. Just taking a sharp exit ramp turn at highway speed could put that thing on its side. How friggin poor or cheap or stoopid are they not to rent 15 passenger vans?
emtwo [TotalFark]  
Smartest (25)   Funniest (0)  
2024-07-09 6:25:55 PM  

Mikey1969: You're missing the point of that statement. They don't ask you what your political views are to rent a truck. They don't ask what you're using it for. If you have the money and a driver's license you can rent. I mean, the guy who signed the paperwork probably didn't sign it Nazi Nicholas, so I don't know how you think that u-haul was going to know.

I disagree vehemently with Maga1969 like 99.99% of the time, but broken clocks and whatnot. What kind of comprehensive background check are y'all asking for UHaul to run here?
olorin604 [OhFark]  
Smartest (5)   Funniest (11)  
2024-07-09 6:26:27 PM  

Mikey1969: Whew... Had to check to see what they violated in the T&C. I was afraid there was some clause that would have made it illegal to carry girl scout cookies, like some kind of no commerce clause.

That's how we always picked them up, we'd get a U-Haul and be loaded and gone before the people who disassembled an entire pallet, and loaded their car one box at a time. One year, I believe we had 5 1/2 pallets of cookies. 😁

But no such clause, they just violated the "no passengers in the back" clause, which is a HUGE safety issue.

I'm not sure it counts as commerce just because you have to use a u-haul to pick up your personal girl scout cookie order.

It may indicate a need for some sort of intervention though.
2024-07-09 6:28:55 PM  
The last time I rented a U-Haul I made a reservation to keep it overnight but when I went to pick it up the told me I could only have it for 4 hours and the contract had a $5 a minute late fee if truck wasn't back on time. Never again will I do business with such shiatbag bastards.
2024-07-09 6:29:15 PM  

Lsherm: Farking Clown Shoes: They know exactly who these assholes are and they're not gonna do shiat unless someone sends them incontrovertible evidence.

UHaul doesn't vet customers very well. I don't even think they bother to check if you have insurance if you decline theirs. My brother once picked up a moving truck that I had reserved and used a friend's credit card to pay for it. At no point did anyone behind the counter seem bothered with the details.

Same as Ryder in April 1995. Where's Ryder now?
The Bunyip  
Smartest (4)   Funniest (0)  
2024-07-09 6:29:18 PM  
Hey, they didn't smoke in the truck and they returned them full of gasoline. What do you expect U-Haul to do?
TWX [BareFark]  
Smartest (2)   Funniest (1)  
2024-07-09 6:29:30 PM  

Geotpf: [ image 850x637]

Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake : Colonel... that Coca-Cola machine. I want you to shoot the lock off it. There may be some change in there.
Colonel "Bat" Guano : That's private property.
Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake : Colonel! Can you possibly imagine what is going to happen to you, your frame, outlook, way of life, and everything, when they learn that you have obstructed a telephone call to the President of the United States? Can you imagine? Shoot it off! Shoot! With a gun! That's what the bullets are for, you twit!
Colonel "Bat" Guano : Okay. I'm gonna get your money for ya. But if you don't get the President of the United States on that phone, you know what's gonna happen to you?
Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake : What?
Colonel "Bat" Guano : You're gonna have to answer to the Coca-Cola company.

Thank you, was going to contribute this if no one else did.

/on the other hand it was tax evasion that got Al Capone, so you never know really
Ker_Thwap [TotalFark] [OhFark]  
Smartest (13)   Funniest (2)  
2024-07-09 6:30:24 PM  
I thought it might be these guys again.
White supremacist group 'ran away from the people of Philadelphia,' police say
2024-07-09 6:31:14 PM  

Meatsim1: Old and busted: U-boat

New hotness: U-haul

I'm still throwing depth charges at them
Smartest (0)   Funniest (0)  
2024-07-09 6:33:05 PM  

dracos31: Sword and Shield: AirForceVet: Farking Clown Shoes: They know exactly who these assholes are and they're not gonna do shiat unless someone sends them incontrovertible evidence.

Of course, we could get lucky if a U-Haul stuffed full of Nazis get T-bones by a semi or dump truck.

Nothing so violent. Just a simple padlock on the latch.

Throw a rabid skunk in first.

Pepe's been looking for work.
2024-07-09 6:33:53 PM  
Holy nothing burger, Batman!

2024-07-09 6:34:01 PM  

Mikey1969: Whew... Had to check to see what they violated in the T&C. I was afraid there was some clause that would have made it illegal to carry girl scout cookies, like some kind of no commerce clause.

That's how we always picked them up, we'd get a U-Haul and be loaded and gone before the people who disassembled an entire pallet, and loaded their car one box at a time. One year, I believe we had 5 1/2 pallets of cookies. 😁

But no such clause, they just violated the "no passengers in the back" clause, which is a HUGE safety issue.

Nah, nothing like that.  Hell, I've seen UPS rent trailers they can haul for extra volume during peak season and the like.  It's possible they worked out some sort of particular deal, but more likely U-Haul doesn't much care beyond maybe some CYA about illegal usage for liability purposes.
Smartest (1)   Funniest (4)  
2024-07-09 6:34:29 PM  

NINEv2: dracos31: Sword and Shield: AirForceVet: Farking Clown Shoes: They know exactly who these assholes are and they're not gonna do shiat unless someone sends them incontrovertible evidence.

Of course, we could get lucky if a U-Haul stuffed full of Nazis get T-bones by a semi or dump truck.

Nothing so violent. Just a simple padlock on the latch.

Throw a rabid skunk in first.

Pepe's been looking for work.

A rapist French skunk against Nazis.

Now that's irony I can sink my teeth into.
2024-07-09 6:34:46 PM  

Ker_Thwap: I thought it might be these guys again.
[YouTube video: White supremacist group 'ran away from the people of Philadelphia,' police say]

Can we just bus Flyers fans and cartons of D-Cell batteries out to every Nazi rally?
Smartest (19)   Funniest (10)  
2024-07-09 6:34:47 PM  
Terms and conditions don't allow people to ride in the back.

But these Uhals were only hauling garbage back there. Chessmate.
Smartest (0)   Funniest (2)  
2024-07-09 6:35:18 PM  

Mikey1969: UltimaCS: "We don't ask customers about their personal views, political affiliations, religious beliefs, voting history, income level, educational background, race, gender, sexual preferences, or any other private information that is none of our business," Lockridge said.

"We're strong followers of equality and freedom of speech" sounds a bit better in any situation except supplying truckloads of Neo-Nazis. I'm surprised he didn't kick a sack full of Nazi gold into a Swiss bank while saying it.

You're missing the point of that statement. They don't ask you what your political views are to rent a truck. They don't ask what you're using it for. If you have the money and a driver's license you can rent. I mean, the guy who signed the paperwork probably didn't sign it Nazi Nicholas, so I don't know how you think that u-haul was going to know.

The point of absolving themselves of responsibility? Good enough if someone gets drunk later and slams through a farmer's market. One horrible person vs. a big group is the difference, and that's when it's the PR agent's job to include some language about how they don't condone or support this particular group. "These guys suck and we don't want their business" is PR 101.
2024-07-09 6:35:50 PM  

starlost: That is a great amount of weight for the uhaul if people are packed like sardines. Just taking a sharp exit ramp turn at highway speed could put that thing on its side.

One can dream.
Smartest (10)   Funniest (2)  
2024-07-09 6:36:11 PM  

Lsherm: UHaul doesn't vet customers very well. I don't even think they bother to check if you have insurance if you decline theirs. My brother once picked up a moving truck that I had reserved and used a friend's credit card to pay for it. At no point did anyone behind the counter seem bothered with the details.

Yeah, that post reminded me of the Farkers who demanded to know why Mandalay Bay didn't search the Vegas shooter's bags when he checked in.

Why the fark would U-Haul have a terrorist watch list?
olorin604 [OhFark]  
Smartest (24)   Funniest (8)  
2024-07-09 6:38:44 PM  

BMFPitt: Lsherm: UHaul doesn't vet customers very well. I don't even think they bother to check if you have insurance if you decline theirs. My brother once picked up a moving truck that I had reserved and used a friend's credit card to pay for it. At no point did anyone behind the counter seem bothered with the details.

Yeah, that post reminded me of the Farkers who demanded to know why Mandalay Bay didn't search the Vegas shooter's bags when he checked in.

Why the fark would U-Haul have a terrorist watch list?

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2024-07-09 6:39:11 PM  
Now they'll never be able to move out of their parents basement
cretinbob [TotalFark] [OhFark]  
Smartest (2)   Funniest (2)  
2024-07-09 6:41:22 PM  
WKRP in Cincinatti - THE PHONE COPS!
Youtube cTPzTG1Lx60
Trainspotr [TotalFark]  
Smartest (3)   Funniest (0)  
2024-07-09 6:41:41 PM  

fragMasterFlash: The last time I rented a U-Haul I made a reservation to keep it overnight but when I went to pick it up the told me I could only have it for 4 hours and the contract had a $5 a minute late fee if truck wasn't back on time. Never again will I do business with such shiatbag bastards.

When I lived in Minneapolis 30 years ago, the demand for U-Hauls was so great for the four months it probably wasn't going to snow on the 1st that I started scheduling one-way rentals to or from towns like 50 miles away. It was like $75 instead of $20, but I got to keep it for 48 hours. That extra time for loading and unloading was such a luxury.
Dinjiin [BareFark]  
Smartest (13)   Funniest (2)  
2024-07-09 6:45:41 PM  

weaklingrecords: [Fark user image 720x900] fixed by: the Contract of Tolerance.  If you are tolerant of others, you are protected by the contract.  If you are intolerant of others, the contract doesn't protect you.  See: example below.

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Smartest (6)   Funniest (2)  
2024-07-09 6:49:04 PM  
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Smartest (10)   Funniest (0)  
2024-07-09 6:50:11 PM  

Sword and Shield: AirForceVet: Farking Clown Shoes: They know exactly who these assholes are and they're not gonna do shiat unless someone sends them incontrovertible evidence.

Of course, we could get lucky if a U-Haul stuffed full of Nazis get T-bones by a semi or dump truck.

Nothing so violent. Just a simple padlock on the latch.

And then drive it to Death Valley and leave it.
Smartest (0)   Funniest (13)  
2024-07-09 6:51:03 PM  

Drunken Rampage: Tell Me How My Blog Tastes: Let's get them to rent from Hertz. Hertz will have them shipped to Guantanamo.

Hertz will report the van stolen, and when it gets pulled over several of the guys in back will have to run to the station, change into their uniforms and run back to provide backup.

I'm sure any police that are members of Patriot Front are there under secret undercover.
2024-07-09 6:51:14 PM  

olorin604: BMFPitt: Lsherm: UHaul doesn't vet customers very well. I don't even think they bother to check if you have insurance if you decline theirs. My brother once picked up a moving truck that I had reserved and used a friend's credit card to pay for it. At no point did anyone behind the counter seem bothered with the details.

Yeah, that post reminded me of the Farkers who demanded to know why Mandalay Bay didn't search the Vegas shooter's bags when he checked in.

Why the fark would U-Haul have a terrorist watch list?

[Fark user image 425x287]
[Fark user image 400x268]

And then we'd have you in another random U-Haul thread declaring shiat like, "Well, I ain't a terrorist, why the fark am I having to show two forms of identification to rent a farking U-Haul for two hours?"
2024-07-09 6:55:15 PM  

emtwo: Mikey1969: You're missing the point of that statement. They don't ask you what your political views are to rent a truck. They don't ask what you're using it for. If you have the money and a driver's license you can rent. I mean, the guy who signed the paperwork probably didn't sign it Nazi Nicholas, so I don't know how you think that u-haul was going to know.

I disagree vehemently with Maga1969 like 99.99% of the time, but broken clocks and whatnot. What kind of comprehensive background check are y'all asking for UHaul to run here?

At least as thorough as a firearm purchase background check, because we all know how good those are.
Smartest (13)   Funniest (9)  
2024-07-09 6:55:21 PM  
In just 12 years the Republican Party has gone from "Binders full of women" to "Uhauls full of Nazis".

Smartest (6)   Funniest (5)  
2024-07-09 6:55:44 PM  
The fact that modern fascists seem to think that a key part of their identity is being known as the 'brown pants' really shows that we are living in a stupid time.
Unobtanium [TotalFark] [OhFark]  
Smartest (6)   Funniest (0)  
2024-07-09 6:56:32 PM  

Sword and Shield: AirForceVet: Farking Clown Shoes: They know exactly who these assholes are and they're not gonna do shiat unless someone sends them incontrovertible evidence.

Of course, we could get lucky if a U-Haul stuffed full of Nazis get T-bones by a semi or dump truck.

Nothing so violent. Just a simple padlock on the latch.

I'm surprised they didn't have several heatstroke patients just in the transit. This kind of thing requires some work. Track the U-Haul back to the muster point. Photograph the vehicles and license plates*. I'm guessing these guys have some distinctive vehicles, either coal-rolling tricked out trucks, or rust-bucket beaters.

*From a distance with concealment. I think they probably have security because IIRC the parking area at one of their DC rallies got identified and somehow multiple sets of four tires lost all their air pressure.
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