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(AP News)   This year's American Darwin Awards are gonna be hot, with French, Spanish, English and Swiss contestants all flying in for it   ( divider line
    More: Followup, Climate, Earth, Sun, Death Valley National Park, United States, Death Valley, Lake Tahoe, Fahrenheit  
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3515 clicks; posted to Main » on 09 Jul 2024 at 6:20 PM (2 weeks ago)   |   Favorite    |   share:  Copy Link

40 Comments     (+0 »)
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2024-07-09 6:22:45 PM  
"Let's go see if it really is Death Valley!"
2024-07-09 6:23:09 PM  
Had to be done.
Smartest (14)   Funniest (0)  
2024-07-09 6:23:35 PM  
Sorry subby, but death by heat stroke is not going to outdo death by setting off fireworks on one's head (as the guy last week did).
2024-07-09 6:28:57 PM  

too_amuzed: Sorry subby, but death by heat stroke is not going to outdo death by setting off fireworks on one's head (as the guy last week did).

At this point it's a numbers game.
2024-07-09 6:30:57 PM  
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2024-07-09 6:35:08 PM  
Look at the people trying to survive what troops in the Mideast have put up with for decades!  How will they do it!
Smartest (2)   Funniest (0)  
2024-07-09 6:36:09 PM  

misanthropic1: too_amuzed: Sorry subby, but death by heat stroke is not going to outdo death by setting off fireworks on one's head (as the guy last week did).

At this point it's a numbers game.

True.  I guess Darwin is focused on heat stroke because there's more potential there.  But the fireworks guy for Darwin was a no brainer, which coincidently describes the fireworks guy, likely both before his unfortunate demise, but very clearly after
2024-07-09 6:37:24 PM  
Boy, this A/C is incredible! I'd better turn on the heater too.

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2024-07-09 6:40:27 PM  
Europeans are still dumb enough to travel on vacation to the USA??
Gin Buddy  
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2024-07-09 6:41:55 PM  
Just go to Vegas. They hit 120, anything above that isn't going to be that noticeable since you won't be conscious anyway...
Smartest (8)   Funniest (5)  
2024-07-09 6:43:42 PM  

johnphantom: Europeans are still dumb enough to travel on vacation to the USA??

What a dumb thing to say.
2024-07-09 6:46:48 PM  

johnphantom: Europeans are still dumb enough to travel on vacation to the USA??

If they're averse to travelling to the developing world, the US can be a price performer.

/provided they don't end up requiring medical attention
abb3w [TotalFark]  
Smartest (6)   Funniest (7)  
2024-07-09 6:47:10 PM  

fatassbastard: "Let's go see if it really is Death Valley!"

ronseal.comView Full Size
2024-07-09 6:49:34 PM  
You're telling me America has not just home-grown stupid but actually imports it?

Good lord

That's dumb
Oto Ozul [TotalFark]  
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2024-07-09 6:51:03 PM  
it is not the strongest of species that survives but the ones that are able to adapt and change.

Charles Darwin quote.
2024-07-09 6:51:09 PM  

misanthropic1: johnphantom: Europeans are still dumb enough to travel on vacation to the USA??

If they're averse to travelling to the developing world, the US can be a price performer.

/provided they don't end up requiring medical attention

I hear the Mediterranean is quite nice. If I lived in Europe, that is where I would vacation. I've been to Europe once, I doubt I will ever go back mainly because of the travel involved - my vacations are in my backyard now at places like Disney World..
2024-07-09 6:52:13 PM  
"Was it hot in Death Valley?"
Smartest (0)   Funniest (5)  
2024-07-09 7:05:00 PM  
Le petit mort?
2024-07-09 7:10:21 PM  
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2024-07-09 7:10:41 PM  
One of these things is not like the other

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hammettman [TotalFark]  
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2024-07-09 7:21:06 PM  

too_amuzed: Sorry subby, but death by heat stroke is not going to outdo death by setting off fireworks on one's head (as the guy last week did).

July 4th death by fireworks is now expected.

No one goes to Death Valley expecting death.
Smartest (11)   Funniest (0)  
2024-07-09 7:21:25 PM  
Remember, don't be like these guys:

Stranded in Death Valley, miles from civilization, in a minivan with three flat tires, nobody knowing you are there, slowly dying of heat stroke.
2024-07-09 7:38:10 PM  
I visited Death Valley in 2002.

In February.

Follow me for more life tips.
2024-07-09 7:41:25 PM  
In another six months we'll get to witness an entirely different kind of stupidity altogether.

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Badafuco [TotalFark] [OhFark]  
Smartest (4)   Funniest (0)  
2024-07-09 7:46:36 PM  

Gordon Bennett: In another six months we'll get to witness an entirely different kind of stupidity altogether.

[Fark user image image 850x637]

I drove past this many times last winter. There was a line of cars all waiting so they could jump out and take the pic. Also a lot of the university students do it as well. -45⁰F is a cold that is indescribable unless you've experienced it.
Smartest (3)   Funniest (2)  
2024-07-09 7:48:33 PM  
Do they have 'x number of days since a death' signs at trailheads?
Smartest (7)   Funniest (0)  
2024-07-09 8:06:47 PM  

too_amuzed: Sorry subby, but death by heat stroke is not going to outdo death by setting off fireworks on one's head (as the guy last week did).

The family across the street from us had a ton of family over on the 4th.  One of the things they like to do is strap a big ass Roman candle type thing to a chair, then hold that chair above their head and chase the kids around the property.

My wife and I were watching from across the street like, "wtf, is wrong with these people?!"

//No one died.
WTP 2  
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2024-07-09 8:21:05 PM  
if i recall the navy did a "how hot can the body take" thing for a short time and it was around 800F.
VERY short time.
i was not involved.
Smartest (1)   Funniest (10)  
2024-07-09 8:27:18 PM  

Gordon Bennett: In another six months we'll get to witness an entirely different kind of stupidity altogether.

[Fark user image image 850x637]

"In another six months we'll get to witness an entirely different kind of stupidity"
2024-07-09 8:38:00 PM  

Geotpf: Remember, don't be like these guys:

Stranded in Death Valley, miles from civilization, in a minivan with three flat tires, nobody knowing you are there, slowly dying of heat stroke.

Dang, I was gonna post this, glad I check the comments!  Here is a link to the story written by one of the searchers.
2024-07-09 9:30:05 PM  
We Californians tend to name things pretty literally. Death Valley is pretty standardly accurate.

And have you seen the Rocky mountains? How else could you describe them?

/ for a closer to home example, I live on Old Coot Needs A Blowie avenue.
// I tried to get a place on Old Coot Gets A Blowie but the waiting list is a joke.
/// thank god for the federal fleshlight reserve
2024-07-09 9:49:34 PM  
If they were just going to take a selfie of themselves in front of a thermometer or to just say they've been there - and probably exaggerate how hot it was - to prove how tough they were I'm struggling to find any sympathy.

And now I want to go there and take a selfie - during the coolest time of year and night that Death Valley experiences.  I did a quick google search.  3-5 degrees Fahrenheit which is reasonably cold but if I dress appropriately and drink enough water - and make sure I have someplace warm and dry to stay I think I'll survive.

Instead of proving how tough I was I'd prove how cool and sensible I am.
2024-07-09 9:57:38 PM  

misanthropic1: johnphantom: Europeans are still dumb enough to travel on vacation to the USA??

If they're averse to travelling to the developing world, the US can be a price performer.

/provided they don't end up requiring medical attention

If you're already paying for a vacation to the US visitors insurance isn't that expensive.
2024-07-09 10:26:19 PM  

electricjebus: misanthropic1: johnphantom: Europeans are still dumb enough to travel on vacation to the USA??

If they're averse to travelling to the developing world, the US can be a price performer.

/provided they don't end up requiring medical attention

If you're already paying for a vacation to the US visitors insurance isn't that expensive.

Yep. I bought a year long, multiple trip, insurance policy that covers pretty much everything including medical, for almost every country in the world, and it cost me £60, inc tax. That gives up to £20 million in medical cover plus cancellation coverage, baggage loss etc.
tb tibbles  
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2024-07-10 1:31:23 AM  
"Death Wish Valley" Charters and Tours.--"Wanna take a ride?"
2024-07-10 1:56:01 AM  
The woman in that photo is even wearing a Black dress. In Death Valley. In July.
Idiocracy is really here, and its real, isn't it?
2024-07-10 2:57:53 AM  

johnphantom: Europeans are still dumb enough to travel on vacation to the USA??

The US still has areas of natural beauty and some remnants of what once was. It's also fun occasionally to go and visit for a couple of days of corporate fun, until you are reminded that the "good" service you're getting is actually people begging for tips to pay their wages so that they don't end up homeless and/or bankrupted by medical needs this week and that everything does contain HFCS for some reason so those stupidly large portions you're being served aren't really good value. Then, we can return with that knowledge secured and be thankful for the benefits we have.
iToad [TotalFark] [OhFark]  
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2024-07-10 6:58:43 AM  
Many years ago, I was working during the summer at China Lake, and staying in Ridgecrest. Ridgecrest is not as awful, but it's pretty close. Much to my surprise, the motel was filled with German tourists. The motel pool contained a whole lot of large pasty white northern Europeans discovering what a UV index of 11 really meant. It wasn't pretty.
2024-07-10 1:28:15 PM  

LordOfThePings: Boy, this A/C is incredible! I'd better turn on the heater too.

[Fark user image 400x305]

Actually, when it is that hot, you're supposed to turn on your heater to keep your engine from overheating.  Car air conditioning in those temperatures is useless.  I haven't driven in that extreme of heat, but I have driven when it was 110 degrees F.
2024-07-10 3:24:56 PM  
Juuuust a quick reminder, it isn't a Darwin Award if the people already spawned kids.  Just sayin'.

Dying of stupidity isn't enough, you have to REMOVE YOURSELF FROM THE GENE POOL.
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