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(CNN)   This third time is not a charm   ( divider line
    More: Obvious, Alaska Airlines, Federal Aviation Administration, American Airlines, Boeing 737 MAX, Airline, Boeing, Alaska, Sales (accounting)  
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4439 clicks; posted to Main » and Business » on 09 Jul 2024 at 7:25 PM (2 weeks ago)   |   Favorite    |   share:  Copy Link

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AirForceVet [TotalFark] [OhFark]  
Smartest (29)   Funniest (3)  
2024-07-09 5:53:43 PM  
Perhaps Boeing should be broken up as it currently monopolizes the US commercial airliner market?
2024-07-09 6:35:08 PM  

AirForceVet: Perhaps Boeing should be broken up as it currently monopolizes the US commercial airliner market?

Boeing's decline began the day that they merged with McDonnell-Douglas.
Mikey1969 [OhFark]  
Smartest (4)   Funniest (7)  
2024-07-09 7:28:52 PM  
Well, how many jets do you actually sell? They last for-farking-ever, so one roughly every two days seems normal to me.
Smartest (11)   Funniest (2)  
2024-07-09 7:29:50 PM  
Boeing said it sold just 14 new jets in the past month, with most of those coming as freighter sales.

Less potential liability for crashing planes with freight in them, as opposed to living passengers.
2024-07-09 7:30:23 PM  

Mikey1969: Well, how many jets do you actually sell? They last for-farking-ever, so one roughly every two days seems normal to me.

"But it's down 95% from the 304 gross orders it took in in June of 2023."
Smartest (20)   Funniest (0)  
2024-07-09 7:30:43 PM  
And one of those was to replace the plane that saw a door plug blow out mid-flight just over six months ago.

Seems like Alaska should ask Boeing to just give them a new plane as a warranty replacement. "Sold" or "purchased" shouldn't be anywhere in that transaction.
Smartest (2)   Funniest (23)  
2024-07-09 7:30:53 PM  
Interest rates are up, and it's also a matter of predicting air travel demands in 2 years. If Trump wins, half the passengers won't be allowed on the planes. If Biden wins, fuel prices and carbon taxes will make it unaffordable to travel.
Smartest (18)   Funniest (0)  
2024-07-09 7:31:13 PM  

El_Dan: Less potential liability for crashing planes with freight in them, as opposed to living passengers.

Passengers are just self-loading freight.
2024-07-09 7:33:59 PM  

wildcardjack: Interest rates are up, and it's also a matter of predicting air travel demands in 2 years. If Trump wins, half the passengers won't be allowed on the planes. If Biden wins, fuel prices and carbon taxes will make it unaffordable to travel.

You know he's already president, right?
Smartest (0)   Funniest (15)  
2024-07-09 7:37:09 PM  
They'll take all the planes,
put 'em in a plane museum.
They'll charge the inspectors
a dollar and a half just to see 'em.

Don't it always seem to go
that you don't think you'll need that door
'til it's gone.

They'll make all the planes
stay in the parking lot.
oooh la, la, la, la.

I don't know where that came from. I'm bored.
Smartest (6)   Funniest (2)  
2024-07-09 7:39:20 PM  
How long til Boeing implodes into bankruptcy?
Badafuco [TotalFark] [OhFark]  
Smartest (14)   Funniest (0)  
2024-07-09 7:40:04 PM  

Jake Havechek: AirForceVet: Perhaps Boeing should be broken up as it currently monopolizes the US commercial airliner market?

Boeing's decline began the day that they merged with McDonnell-Douglas.

I remember flying on those old MD-80 planes all the time.
Smartest (24)   Funniest (1)  
2024-07-09 7:40:31 PM  

Jake Havechek: AirForceVet: Perhaps Boeing should be broken up as it currently monopolizes the US commercial airliner market?

Boeing's decline began the day that they merged with McDonnell-Douglas.

John Oliver did a whole bit on this where he explained that that is indeed where it started.  Because instead of engineers making sure that everything was running smoothly, the entire company is being run by bean counters that are putting their stock holders first.

It's time to reverse that trend.  They've killed enough people with their shiat business decisions, thank you very much.
flamesfan [TotalFark] [OhFark]  
Smartest (16)   Funniest (21)  
2024-07-09 7:41:22 PM  
Funny how airline safety can be a deciding factor in purchasing new aircraft. I am sure the MBA's bonus from last quarter will make up for the unemployment shortfall.

Safety is not a cost. It should be the first priority for your company when building commercial aircraft.

I am sure the money saved by eliminating safety checks will be much less than the lawsuits from the crash victims.

If is Boeing I'm not going.

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Smartest (12)   Funniest (1)  
2024-07-09 7:46:15 PM  
The USA needs the jobs and world-wide income from Boeing. Curse the managers for destroying it. In China, they would be executed as traitors.
Smartest (0)   Funniest (13)  
2024-07-09 7:51:31 PM  
At least their spacecraft is looking great!
2024-07-09 7:54:54 PM  
The plane it sold to Alaska Air is also a 737 Max 10 to replace the plane that lost the door plug in January. Boeing agreed to repurchase that specific plane, which was able to land without serious injury for crew or passenger. Boeing declined to say its plans for the plane now that it has taken it back.

Change the serial numbers on everything and push it back out the door?
TSA agent  
Smartest (1)   Funniest (8)  
2024-07-09 8:01:16 PM  

wildcardjack: half the passengers won't be allowed on the planes

That would be the 50% or so of Americans lacking a REAL ID, currently being implemented by the Biden Administration.
2024-07-09 8:09:36 PM  

Corn_Fed: How long til Boeing implodes into bankruptcy?

A very long time. They are a major DOD contractor. They aren't going anywhere while that is still true.
2024-07-09 8:10:27 PM  

Badafuco: Jake Havechek: AirForceVet: Perhaps Boeing should be broken up as it currently monopolizes the US commercial airliner market?

Boeing's decline began the day that they merged with McDonnell-Douglas.

I remember flying on those old MD-80 planes all the time.

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I really did love the Super-80s!
Ecliptic [OhFark]  
Smartest (14)   Funniest (0)  
2024-07-09 8:22:22 PM  

Jake Havechek: AirForceVet: Perhaps Boeing should be broken up as it currently monopolizes the US commercial airliner market?

Boeing's decline began the day that they merged with McDonnell-Douglas.

Worked there from 2007 to 2009. Helped write the internal engineering lessons learned document for my current company about how not to repeat what happened with the 737MAX.

Except for glossing over the 737MAX technical details a bit, the recent Last Week Tonight on Boeing and their problems NAILS IT. It was common discussion around the cubes and on the floor 15 years ago that sht was circling the drain due to outsourcing and the constant need to "increase efficiency" no matter what. At the engineering level we were also all baffled at why the McDonnell Douglas people were all in charge...
Smartest (1)   Funniest (1)  
2024-07-09 8:24:51 PM  

AirForceVet: Perhaps Boeing should be broken up as it currently monopolizes the US commercial airliner market?

Breaking them up won't fix any of the issues there is with them.
2024-07-09 8:48:52 PM  

TSA agent: wildcardjack: half the passengers won't be allowed on the planes

That would be the 50% or so of Americans lacking a REAL ID, currently being implemented by the Biden Administration.

And that was passed by Republican majority under W Bush in 2005.
2024-07-09 8:50:35 PM  

keldaria: AirForceVet: Perhaps Boeing should be broken up as it currently monopolizes the US commercial airliner market?

Breaking them up won't fix any of the issues there is with them.

No, but it's a good example to set with other huge companies that fark up that badly.
2024-07-09 8:51:52 PM  

StevieRayPalpatine: Badafuco: Jake Havechek: AirForceVet: Perhaps Boeing should be broken up as it currently monopolizes the US commercial airliner market?

Boeing's decline began the day that they merged with McDonnell-Douglas.

I remember flying on those old MD-80 planes all the time.

[Fark user image image 425x566]I really did love the Super-80s!

This gives me an idea for my new airline.  100% refurbished pre-millennial aircraft.  "From way back when they used to hold together."
With a name like Bathsalt Airlines, you'll have to trust us!
Smartest (3)   Funniest (0)  
2024-07-09 8:56:52 PM  
Also, from the article:

"It marked one of its best sales months of the year"
Smartest (10)   Funniest (0)  
2024-07-09 9:16:25 PM  

TSA agent: wildcardjack: half the passengers won't be allowed on the planes

That would be the 50% or so of Americans lacking a REAL ID, currently being implemented by the Biden Administration.

Real ID has been a thing for almost two decades now, originally written, passed by, and signed into law by the GOP. Just because some states are slow and dumb does not make it Biden's fault.
erik-k [OhFark]  
Smartest (4)   Funniest (2)  
2024-07-09 9:26:22 PM  

Ecliptic: Jake Havechek: AirForceVet: Perhaps Boeing should be broken up as it currently monopolizes the US commercial airliner market?

Boeing's decline began the day that they merged with McDonnell-Douglas.

Worked there from 2007 to 2009. Helped write the internal engineering lessons learned document for my current company about how not to repeat what happened with the 737MAX.

Except for glossing over the 737MAX technical details a bit, the recent Last Week Tonight on Boeing and their problems NAILS IT. It was common discussion around the cubes and on the floor 15 years ago that sht was circling the drain due to outsourcing and the constant need to "increase efficiency" no matter what. At the engineering level we were also all baffled at why the McDonnell Douglas people were all in charge...

The lesson proves itself time and time and time again:

Do not ever allow beancounters to gain control of an engineering company, or it WILL be destroyed.
Lsherm [TotalFark] [OhFark]  
Smartest (9)   Funniest (0)  
2024-07-09 9:31:01 PM  

AirForceVet: Perhaps Boeing should be broken up as it currently monopolizes the US commercial airliner market?

One of the problems with Boeing is that the McD people DID break it up so they could pretend to earn more money for shareholders. So the fuselages are manufactured in Kansas under the name of another company (Spirit Aerosystems) and then shipped to Washington for assembly. But here's the deal: Spirit was just the Kansas plant of Boeing until 2007, when it was decided shareholders could make more money if it was its own company! So it became Spirit!

Now that everyone has realized that results in door blowouts, Boeing is literally buying back their own factory:

At this point, if someone has any history with McDonnell Douglas, they should be fired. The company's later history sounds disastrous, so how did they end up on top in the merger?
2024-07-09 9:34:21 PM  

TSA agent: wildcardjack: half the passengers won't be allowed on the planes

That would be the 50% or so of Americans lacking a REAL ID, currently being implemented by the Biden Administration.

you mean the one that's been around for the last 10 years?  That REAL ID?
Samfucious [TotalFark]  
Smartest (4)   Funniest (0)  
2024-07-09 9:56:11 PM  
"The company agreed Sunday to plead guilty to its employees defrauding the FAA during the original certification process for the 737 Max"

Riiiighr. The EMPLOYEES were responsible for defrauding the FAA. I'm sure there wasn't a suit in a board room screaming at people to get it done and out the door if they wanted to keep their jobs, with probably something about not caring how they did it.

/ C-levels can be such monumental chickenshiats.
Smartest (2)   Funniest (1)  
2024-07-09 9:59:33 PM  

Duke of Madness Motors: keldaria: AirForceVet: Perhaps Boeing should be broken up as it currently monopolizes the US commercial airliner market?

Breaking them up won't fix any of the issues there is with them.

No, but it's a good example to set with other huge companies that fark up that badly.

Whatever message you think will be sent is probably not actually going to amount to shiat.

The C Suite will still get paid and have solid golden parachutes. You'll just make a dozen or more smaller companies ripe for venture capitalists to step in.

Furthermore part of the entire issue has been Boeing selling off chunks of its manufacturing so they can focus on maximizing profits. It's one of the reasons why they are busy reacquiring Spirit because it's bad enough when you can't police your own quality but adding a major subcontractor only adds extra layers for incompetence to hide behind.
2024-07-09 10:02:16 PM  

TSA agent: wildcardjack: half the passengers won't be allowed on the planes

That would be the 50% or so of Americans lacking a REAL ID, currently being implemented by the Biden Administration.

Lies, half truths and the worthless farks who tell them.
2024-07-09 10:07:37 PM  
Airlines are just waiting for the blowout sale.
Sofa Queen [TotalFark]  
Smartest (4)   Funniest (0)  
2024-07-09 10:22:55 PM  
Ma Boeing is a big, fat sow. Break her up.
2024-07-09 11:04:02 PM  

keldaria: Duke of Madness Motors: keldaria: AirForceVet: Perhaps Boeing should be broken up as it currently monopolizes the US commercial airliner market?

Breaking them up won't fix any of the issues there is with them.

No, but it's a good example to set with other huge companies that fark up that badly.

Whatever message you think will be sent is probably not actually going to amount to shiat.

The C Suite will still get paid and have solid golden parachutes. You'll just make a dozen or more smaller companies ripe for venture capitalists to step in.

Furthermore part of the entire issue has been Boeing selling off chunks of its manufacturing so they can focus on maximizing profits. It's one of the reasons why they are busy reacquiring Spirit because it's bad enough when you can't police your own quality but adding a major subcontractor only adds extra layers for incompetence to hide behind.

Yes yes yes there are always reasons we should never inconvenience wealthy assholes. How about banning some of those C suite scum from working in the aerospace industry, or public corporations in general, instead of letting them plead out.
2024-07-10 2:12:28 AM  
How about the airplane repair guy isn't a high school dropout. Linx
Smartest (2)   Funniest (0)  
2024-07-10 7:59:42 AM  

TSA agent: wildcardjack: half the passengers won't be allowed on the planes

That would be the 50% or so of Americans lacking a REAL ID, currently being implemented by the Biden Administration.

That was passed by Dubya and implementation has been getting delayed for over 15 years and I wouldn't be surprised if it happens again.

There are a few no Real ID people that have a Passport or Pasport Card that will work.

Some of those no Real ID people never fly so who cares.

And if it did happen most people will figure it out with the DMV.  In my state at least the only difference is you need 2 proofs of residency instead of 1.  Everything else is exactly the same as the standard drivers license.
Smartest (0)   Funniest (1)  
2024-07-10 8:51:43 AM  

Duke of Madness Motors: keldaria: Duke of Madness Motors: keldaria: AirForceVet: Perhaps Boeing should be broken up as it currently monopolizes the US commercial airliner market?

Breaking them up won't fix any of the issues there is with them.

No, but it's a good example to set with other huge companies that fark up that badly.

Whatever message you think will be sent is probably not actually going to amount to shiat.

The C Suite will still get paid and have solid golden parachutes. You'll just make a dozen or more smaller companies ripe for venture capitalists to step in.

Furthermore part of the entire issue has been Boeing selling off chunks of its manufacturing so they can focus on maximizing profits. It's one of the reasons why they are busy reacquiring Spirit because it's bad enough when you can't police your own quality but adding a major subcontractor only adds extra layers for incompetence to hide behind.

Yes yes yes there are always reasons we should never inconvenience wealthy assholes. How about banning some of those C suite scum from working in the aerospace industry, or public corporations in general, instead of letting them plead out.

Hey look, an actual solution that helps solve problems other than imaginary ones that offered solutions for would make things worse.
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