Last Updated on March 16, 2024 by Angel Melanson

Mattie Do’s The Long Walk follows a young boy in a rural village of central Laos. As NGOs come to the village to develop the land, the boy is left alone to care for his ailing mother. When he witnesses the death of a young woman by the side of the road, he befriends her spirit. Fifty years later, the man is left alone in the abandoned village with the spirit he befriended in childhood, and learns this ghostly friend of his can time jump, giving him a chance to rewrite history, which of course always comes with consequences.

Director Mattie Do had this to say, “Sometimes, when you make something so personal and oddball, you’re never sure if it will just wither away under the blistering sun and turn to dust. It’s been such a literal long walk, through sun-scorched dirt roads with a crazy production that felt like chaos reigned, to finally be able to release this film. I couldn’t be happier that Yellow Veil made the effort to dig our film out of the jungles of Laos to be reborn on screen out in the US!”

Check out this exclusive peek at The Long Walk alternate poster and some behind-the-scenes photos.

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The Long Walk is in Theaters Feb. 18th and On-Demand March 1, 2022 from Yellow Veil Pictures.

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