2021 Report

The report covers in-depth data from Seasons 8 and 9, and an overall update on the state of the Program at its 10 year anniversary. This year, three special “in focus” sections cover the Program’s response to COVID-19; sexual harassment; and expansion of the Program into new states and crops. We also share updates about the Program’s new heat stress illness prevention policy, and the growth of the Worker-driven Social Responsibility model, which includes a new partnership with the Hollywood Commission.Published:
September 2, 2021

Click here to download the report

2018 Update

This report provides data and analysis on the current state of compliance within the Fair Food Program, as of the end of Season 7 (2017-18). The report serves as a supplement to the more comprehensive 2017 Annual Report, which provided a detailed history of the abuses faced by low-wage agricultural workers in the United States, the steps that the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) took to address those abuses through its anti-slavery investigations and the creation of the Fair Food Program (FFP), and the promise of Worker-Driven Social Responsibility (WSR) as a model that can help eradicate similar abuses faced by low-wage workers throughout global supply chains.Published:
October 3, 2019

Click here to download the report

2017 Report & Executive Summary

This is the fourth report of the Fair Food Standards Council on the state of the Fair Food Program. It provides the most recent results and analysis from Seasons 5 and 6 of the Program’s implementation. However, unlike past reports, the 2017 version also tracks the trajectory of the Fair Food Program — the unfolding story of increasing compliance through the constant back and forth of audits, investigations, and corrective actions — over the course of all six seasons of the Program’s operation. It is a comprehensive and transparent look at the structure and function of the Fair Food Program and the constant ebb and flow of change that has been brought about in the fields of Florida and six other states. Through carefully detailed quantitative and qualitative analysis, the report tracks a fundamental re-shaping of an entire industry and, in the process, the forging of a model that is already bringing change to many more workers here in the US and overseas.Published:
April 17, 2018

Click here to download the report

Click here to download the executive summary

2015 Report

This is the third report of the Fair Food Standards Council on the state of the Fair Food Program, covering the first four years of the FFP’s implementation across the Florida tomato industry as well as the first year of expansion to Florida-based tomato growers’ operations in Georgia, North and South Carolina, Virginia, Maryland and New Jersey.Published:
Feb. 4, 2016

Click here to download the report

2014 Report

14SOTP-Web-1 This is the second report of the Fair Food Standards Council on the state of the Fair Food Program, covering the first three years of the FFP’s implementation across the Florida tomato industry.Published:
Nov. 13, 2014

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2013 Report

13SOTP-Web This is the inaugural report of the Fair Food Standards Council on the state of the Fair Food Program, covering the first two years of the FFP’s implementation across the Florida tomato industry.Published:
Nov. 20, 2013

Click here to download the report