Thrifty Traveler’s Guide: Making the Most of Your Summer Adventures 

Our weekly #CreditChat started in 2012 to help our community learn about credit and important personal finance topics (e.g. saving money, paying down debt, improving credit scores). Each chat is hosted by @Experian on X (formerly Twitter) and all are welcome to participate. DM us any questions.

Whether you’re a seasoned explorer or planning your first getaway, this chat is your ticket to maximizing fun while minimizing expenses. Learn savvy tips, budget-friendly hacks, and insider secrets to make your summer travels unforgettable without breaking the bank.

Topic: Thrifty Traveler’s Guide: Making the Most of Your Summer Adventures

When: Wednesday, May 29, 2024 at 3 p.m. ET.

Where: Join the live hashtag discussion

The panel will include: Jeanne Kelly: Credit expert, identity theft expert, speaker and founder of; Deacon Hayes: Founder of Well Kept Wallet; Gabrielle Olya: Lead Writer and Editor at; Debra Schroeder: Travel Rewards and Credit Card expert, Founder of; Celia Even: Elite Travel Concierge and Founder of; Teresa Britton: Founder of; Beverly Harzog: Credit Card Expert, Bestselling Author, columnist and podcast host of Your Personal Economy; Rod Griffin: Senior Director, Consumer Education and Advocacy, Experian; Jennifer White: Consumer Education and Advocacy Team, and Christina Roman: Consumer Education and Advocacy Manager at Experian.

Gift Card Giveaway

Enter here for a chance to win a $50 Amazon gift card!We will be announcing a winner at the end of the chat. Entry Period: Raffle open now and closes at the end of this chat at 4 p.m. ET.Complete rules here.

Questions we will discuss:

  1. When is the best time to start planning and to book your summer travel?
  2. Can you share some lesser-known, budget-friendly travel destinations that are perfect for summer?
  3. How can you leverage loyalty or rewards points when traveling?
  4. Can you recommend apps or websites that help travelers find deals and discounts?
  5. Can you suggest any creative ways to cut costs without diminishing the travel experience?
  6. How do you manage daily expenses like food and activities while traveling on a budget?
  7. What are the common pitfalls to avoid when trying to travel on a budget during the summer?
  8. How can you identify if you need travel insurance? If so, how can you use it effectively?
  9. How can you save on transportation costs while at your destination?
  10. Can you share any final tips on making the most of your summer adventures on a budget?

Check out our complete list of upcoming personal finance Twitter chats here