Breast Cancer That Develops Between Mammograms: What You Need to Know

Interval breast cancer can develop quickly between mammogram screenings, but staying informed about detection is your best defense.

woman at oncologist's office looking a test results from mammogram
Sometimes breast cancer can crop up between mammograms.Adobe Stock
Mammograms are excellent for finding breast cancer early. But some breast cancers can grow between recommended mammogram exams. These cancers are called interval breast cancers (IBC) because they develop in the interval between screening mammograms — usually within 12 months after screening.

How Common Is Interval Breast Cancer?

About 15 percent of breast cancers are found after a negative (normal) screening mammogram, but before the next recommended screening exam.

 This means around 1 out of every 6 breast cancers show up in the time between annual mammogram appointments.

How Is Interval Breast Cancer Different?

Interval breast cancer is usually more aggressive and linked to worse outcomes.

“It's because interval breast cancer develops in a short time. It grows faster and through different mechanisms than the usual estrogen-dependent mechanisms,” says Monique Gary, DO, a breast surgeon and the medical director of the Grand View Health–Penn Cancer Network cancer program in Pennsylvania. “[IBCs] are more likely to be triple-negative or HER2 [human epidermal growth factor receptor 2] positive,” she says.

IBCs are more likely to have high tumor grades, meaning that the cancer cells look very different from healthy cells and grow quickly.

 They also tend to be diagnosed at later stages, when the tumors are larger and have already spread to lymph nodes.

Interval breast cancer survival rates tend to be lower than screening-detected breast cancers,

 and the risk of dying from breast cancer is more than 3 times higher for women with IBCs compared with women with breast cancers detected on screening mammograms.

Treatment for IBC tends to include chemotherapy and radiation therapy. In some cases, more extensive surgery may be necessary. Anne Peled, MD, a breast cancer and reconstruction surgeon in San Francisco and co-director of the Breast Cancer Program at Sutter Health California Pacific Medical Center, says a key challenge with IBCs is determining if the cancer developed rapidly after a negative mammogram or if it was simply not detected on prior mammograms.

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A Lump in the Breast May Be a Sign

Unlike breast cancer detected during regular mammogram screenings, which can be too small to feel, IBC is more likely to show up as a noticeable lump in the breast or underarm, Dr. Peled says. By the time physical symptoms appear, IBCs have often grown to a more advanced stage.

In addition to a lump, other interval breast cancer symptoms may include:

  • Nipple discharge
  • New nipple inversion or retraction
  • Changes in breast appearance, such as dimpling, redness, swelling, or changes in breast size or symmetry

Who’s Most at Risk?

While anyone can develop IBC, certain risk factors make some people more prone to these fast-developing breast cancers. A study found that interval breast cancers most often happen in younger people.

Other risk factors, Dr. Gary says, include:

  • Breast Density Dense breast tissue can make tumors difficult to see on mammograms.
  • Family History Having a family history of breast cancer increases your risk of IBC.
  • Lifetime Risk A lifetime risk of breast cancer of more than 20 percent as assessed by a risk assessment tool raises your chance of getting IBC.
  • Previous Breast Biopsies Having past breast biopsies that showed abnormal cells means you should be extra vigilant between mammograms.
  • Multiple Breast Cancers A personal history of multiple previous breast cancers increases your risk of IBC.
  • Genes Genetic mutations like BRCA1 or BRCA2 raise your overall breast cancer risk.
Additionally, considering a combination of factors — like body mass index, family history, and hormones — can better predict your interval breast cancer risk compared with only looking at breast density, according to a study published in 2020.

Advocate for Your Own Breast Health

You can stay a step ahead of interval breast cancer with these tips straight from experts.

Know Your Breasts

Interval breast cancers can develop rapidly between mammograms, so practice breast self-awareness. With breast self-awareness, you don’t have to follow a strict method or schedule. Instead, become familiar with how your breasts normally look and feel. “If we feel for ‘normal,’ when that ‘normal’ changes or when something happens outside of that ‘normal,’ your hands are going to know,” Gary explains.

According to Gary, how your breasts feel during the first, middle, and end of your menstrual cycle can vary. So, it’s important to get to know your breasts at different times.

Understand Your Family History

This includes whether anyone in your family has had breast or ovarian cancer. Sharing this information with your healthcare providers is crucial since family history significantly impacts your risk.

Being aware of your family history and whether you’re at higher risk for IBC can help to advance the detection faster, Gary says.

Find Out if You Have Dense Breasts

Because they’re a risk factor for IBC, find out whether you have dense breasts. You can determine if you have dense breast tissue by checking your mammogram result letter. As of March 2023, new U.S. Food and Drug Administration guidelines require all mammogram facilities to report breast density information on mammogram results.

If your mammogram result letter notes you have dense breasts, discuss additional screening options, like magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or ultrasound in addition to yearly mammograms, with your healthcare provider.

Use an Assessment Tool

There are tools available online, like the National Cancer Institute’s Breast Risk Assessment Tool, to calculate your lifetime risk of breast cancer. “In the U.S., if the lifetime risk of breast cancer using risk calculators (which take into account factors such as breast density and family history) is greater than 20 percent, the recommended screening plan is alternating MRIs and mammograms every six months,” Peled says.

Participate in Clinical Trials

Researchers are investigating how often women should be screened based on risk factors like family history, breast density, and genetic markers. Clinical trials, like the WISDOM Study, are for people who don’t have breast cancer, and when you participate, you play an important role in helping refine screening guidelines.

Know There’s Hope

IBC can be challenging, but new developments in screening, diagnosis, and treatment are always happening. These advances bring hope for better identifying those at risk and improving treatments for those diagnosed.

If, in between your annual mammograms, you notice any changes in your breasts, communicate your concerns with your doctor so you can catch a potential diagnosis as early as possible and get the care you need.

The Takeaway

About 1 out of 6 breast cancers will be an interval breast cancer, meaning it will show up between screening mammograms. Learning about your personal risk factors — such as dense breasts, family history, and genetic mutations — and staying vigilant about screenings can help ensure you are diagnosed as early as possible so you can receive prompt treatment. Even if you’ve had a normal screening mammogram less than a year ago, be sure to visit your doctor if you notice any concerning changes in your breasts.

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  1. Interval Breast Cancer. National Cancer Institute.
  2. McCarthy AM et al. Breast Cancer With a Poor Prognosis Diagnosed After Screening Mammography With Negative Results. JAMA Oncology. July 2018.
  3. Daniaux M et al. Interval Breast Cancer: Analysis of Occurrence, Subtypes and Implications for Breast Cancer Screening in a Model Region. European Journal of Radiology. October 2021.
  4. Niraula S et al. Incidence, Characteristics, and Outcomes of Interval Breast Cancers Compared With Screening-Detected Breast Cancers. JAMA Network Open. September 25, 2020.
  5. Irvin VL et al. Comparison of Mortality Among Participants of Women’s Health Initiative Trials With Screening-Detected Breast Cancers vs Interval Breast Cancers. JAMA Network Open. June 2020.
  6. Irvin VL et al. Regular Mammograms Are Beneficial, But Don’t Forget About Your Breasts the Rest of the Year. Society of Behavioral Medicine.
  7. Nguyen TL et al. Interval Breast Cancer Risk Associations With Breast Density, Family History and Breast Tissue Aging. International Journal of Cancer. July 2020.
  8. FDA Updates Mammography Regulations to Require Reporting of Breast Density Information and Enhance Facility Oversight. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. March 9, 2023.
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