Summer Bugs -  Bygiau’r haf

Summer Bugs - Bygiau’r haf

A talk about the bugs in the garden in the summer - Sgwrs am y chwilod yn yr ardd yn yr haf

Date and time

Fri, 26 Jul 2024 10:15 - 11:30 PDT



Refund Policy

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Eventbrite's fee is nonrefundable.

About this event

  • Event lasts 1 hour 15 minutes

A seasonal talk that goes into the detailed lives of 3 Beneficial Bugs and 3 Problematic Bugs in the UK.

Dr Ian Bedford was a research Entomologist, he appears on TV and radio shows and gives talks across the UK. He is very interested in climate change and living with bugs and other wildlife, he prefers to use pest control that is natural and not dangerous to the environment.

Followed by a Q&A

Sgwrs dymhorol sy'n mynd i fywydau manwl 3 Byg Buddiol a 3 Byg Problematig yn y DU.

Roedd Dr Ian Bedford yn Entomolegydd ymchwil, mae'n ymddangos ar sioeau teledu a radio ac yn rhoi sgyrsiau ar draws y DU. Mae ganddo ddiddordeb mawr mewn newid yn yr hinsawdd a byw gyda chwilod a bywyd gwyllt arall, mae'n well ganddo ddefnyddio rheoli plâu sy'n naturiol ac nid yn beryglus i'r amgylchedd.

Wedi'i ddilyn gan Q&A

Organised by

ReConnecting is a project run wholly by volunteers . We undertake activities to try to help people stay connected to the world, their families and hobbies, learn new skills, make friends and just have a small space of time that is for them. We have a few rules, turn up at sessions where we have provided a kit to you, (no need to have your video or microphone on), send us a picture of your finished work for our gallery.

We know that joining in can be scary and make you feel anxious, most people who come to our sessions initially feel the same way, give it a try.
