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This study aims to illuminate the role of research and innovation (R&I) in ensuring a safe and sustainable supply of critical raw materials (CRM). It provides background information on CRMs, related EU policies, sustainability issues, and public controversy, tying all these in with their respective R&I needs. The study reviews the role of R&I and cooperation in securing the EU's raw material supply, highlighting the significance of R&I along the value chain and analysing patenting activities and ...

This report evaluates the need and scope for an EIT Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC) focused on water, marine, and maritime areas (KIC WMM). It identifies existing gaps in innovation ecosystems and recommends thematic focus areas with the highest potential for technological development, market deployment, and benefits for EU citizens. Key stakeholders, public engagement methods, funding mechanisms, and legal and regulatory barriers are analysed. Policy options are provided to foster innovation ...

Horizon Europe is the EU's key funding programme for research and innovation, containing ambitious commitments to scientific progress, climate neutrality, and improving the EU's competitiveness and growth. This study evaluates the following selected items in Horizon Europe: the evolution of calls and funding, adoption of the Common Model Grant Agreement (CMGA), implementation of the strategic plan, discontinuation of the Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) Flagship, the participation barriers ...

The European Green Deal, aimed at making the EU climate neutral by 2050, outlines a comprehensive approach to sustainability, requiring profound transformation across all industrial sectors. Horizon Europe, the EU's foremost research and innovation programme, can be a critical enabler, providing the necessary funding, framework and innovation pathways to support this transition. Employing a combination of desk research and stakeholder consultations, this study evaluates Horizon Europe's alignment ...