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Watch: The evolution of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds' desert map

Destination Unknown.

Earlier this year, Brendan Greene tweeted out a few teaser images of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds' upcoming desert map. Ever since then, he's been drip-feeding new information to eager fans, but a lot of details are still up in the air. What new weapons will be available? Will there be an underground bunker? Can we really ride that bicycle?!

Back when this was drawn the map was only 4x4km. It has now quadrupled in size!

So far none of these questions have officially been answered but, thanks to the skills of some cheeky dataminers, we can now take a detailed look at the layout of the desert map, along with the models for some currently unreleased new vehicles.

This isn't the first time we've seen a map for the new desert arena though. An earlier version was uncovered by dataminers in September, and Brendan himself tweeted out his original design sketch for the desert map during this year's Gamescom.

I looked at all three versions earlier today and the changes made in the four months since those first few preview images were released are huge! I mean, just for starters they've replaced the southern canyon and river with a whopping great bit of sea!

Check out my video below for a detailed look at the evolution of PUBG's desert map.

Watch on YouTube

Notice anything in there that I missed? Let me know in the comments below and don't forget to pop along to our YouTube channel next Tuesday at 3:30pm when the video team will be kicking off our weekly PUBG stream.

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