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Watch Creative Assembly's session about making Rome 2 from the EG Expo

Series lead designer James Russell talks history, authenticity and exposed bottoms.

Although we did our best to broadcast as many of the Eurogamer Expo developer sessions as possible live during this year's event, there were a few that were just too hot for the internet to handle, at least in the eyes of their creators.

One such session was Creative Assembly's presentation of Rome 2: Total War, during which series lead designer James Russell showed off live gameplay for the first time in public to an audience of over 400 people.

We can't show you that footage, sadly, although SEGA and CA will probably release something similar in their own time. But we can share with you the rest of James's session, during which fans of the series were treated to a detailed description (with videos, graphics and the odd chart) of how a Total War game is made.

Highlights include a quick tour of the huge range of sound effects that go into seemingly innocuous actions, some authentic behind-the-scenes blueprints and wireframes of the game and its systems, and a few interesting bugs...

And if you enjoyed that, don't forget to check out the rest of the Eurogamer Expo developer sessions over on our YouTube channel.

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