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This week on Outside Xbox

Synergising with Frank O'Connor, stalking Chet Faliszek, gaming's greatest roadtrips and more.

Greetings Eurogamer, Mike from Outside Xbox here. Hope you're having an excellent Saturday. Finest of all the days, Saturday. The weekend still full of promise - none of the Sunday malaise that comes from terrible television, nothing being open and the looming prospect of an early night in anticipation of Monday morning.

There's no better day, then, to catch up on what we've been up to elsewhere in the Eurogamer Network. At Outside Xbox we make videos about games and we've had a busy week or so, running around the Eurogamer Expo chasing interviews and playing stuff on the show floor. Here is where we offer up, for your delectation, some of the highlights.

Of most interest to Xbox fans is Jane's excellent interview with Frank O' Connor, the man in charge of making sure Halo 4 isn't rubbish. I'm sure he's got an official job title, but I'm also sure it's far too tedious to relate here. Look out for the bit where he drops the phrase 'matrix of combat variety' and then Jane uses the word 'synergy', almost in sympathy.

Elsewhere I caught up with Assassin's Creed 3 creative director Alex Hutchinson, who always has something interesting to say about either AC or gaming in general. Watch as he divulges a few interesting, brand new details about the third 'proper' game in the series. YouTube user CaptainZephyros says 'Great interview! :)' and who am I to argue with a superior officer?

Meanwhile, Andy was interviewing-slash-romancing Valve's fantastically talented Chet Faliszek. We're seemingly the only people who have asked him about the Cabin in the Woods/Left 4 Dead crossover DLC that was discussed in a Reddit Q&A with the film's director. With a spoiler warning in mind, find out a little more detail on that, including some features that may well have implications for how Left 4 Dead 3 turns out. Juicy.

Away from the Expo we've been busy putting together our usual blend of previews and features, including a public service message from Andy regarding the various viruses of Resident Evil and my quite personal ode to the video game road trip. Finally, to cap it all off, our bumper Show of the Week takes on Resident Evil 6 with little more than a tube of hand sanitiser and a positive mental attitude.

Be sure to check the site daily for new Xbox and gaming videos and we'll be back here on Eurogamer next week to regurgitate more nutritious gaming videos like an eager-to-please mummy guillemot.

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