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The best of Assassin's Creed Origins photo mode

Giza look.

Assassin's Creed Origins is a beautiful game, and one made for sharing via its fantastic photo mode tool.

Yesterday, Ubisoft added a suite of extra photo mode options to Origins so you can show off its version of Egypt with an even more varied range of effects.

But, already, we've been impressed by some of the shots being shared online. A week on from release, here are some of our favourites from across Egypt. We've tried not to include anything too spoilery below, but watch out for all regions of the map to be shown.

Click each image for a full-size version:

Image credit: Horsebite

Image credit: nitoo

Image credit: docwatson91

Image credit: Cazzara

Image credit: jaeqri

Image credit: Stiler

Image credit: jim2point0

Image credit: Mik2121

Image credit: Gamur

Image credit: jim2point0

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