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Silent Hill for arcade

Spooky shooting malarky.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Details have dribbled from Konami's Arcade Operators' Union 2007 trade show in Japan about a shooty Silent Hill coin-op game. Mind you, given how much games cost to play in the arcades last time we went, it might well be a note-op by the time it arrives here.

The official website for the event features a logo for the title, called simply Silent Hill The Arcade.

Sadly that's all we can tell you as we're rubbish and can't translate the line or two of text next to the listing. Konami was unavailable for comment. Like, properly. We rang about 18 people.

Silent Hill 5 for next-generation consoles is in development behind firmly shut doors, and any other information from the arcade event would surely shed some light on what we can expect from the game.

So, here's looking at you, Eurogamer reader. Can you translate the Konami AOU 2007 trade show website? It's a copyright notice, isn't it?

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