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Salt and Sanctuary is out now on Steam

A savoury delight.

Ska Studios (The Dishwasher: Vampire Smile, Charlie Murder) has released its 2D Dark Souls-like Salt and Sanctuary on Steam today.

It usually costs £13.59, but is on sale for £12.23 until 24th May.

For those unfamiliar with Salt and Sanctuary, it's a 2D metroidvania with a combat system and respawn mechanic cribbed straight out of Dark Souls with more than a few nods to From's cult classic.

It came out in March for PS4 and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Though derivative of Dark Souls, Salt and Sanctuary did a splendid job of adapting From's systems onto a 2D plane with some clever level design and boss fights to boot.

"Salt and Sanctuary feels like the work of a teenager who really wants to make a Dark Souls game - if that teenager was also really, really good at game design," I wrote in my Salt and Sanctuary review. "It's very obviously a fan-made tribute act, but what a tribute act it is."

A Vita version is still in the works.

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