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Pokémon Go reveals tie-in to upcoming Ultra Sun and Moon

Synergymon is evolving.

Despite its success, Pokémon Go has always remained relatively separate from the main Pokémon series.

The mobile phenomenon has boosted sales of Pokémon's mainline games, but never really had much to do with them. Until, that is, now.

Now, you can dress your character in clothing from the upcoming Ultra Sun and Moon, which sees a return to the tropical region of Alola.

(It's a bit weird, just as we're wrapping ourselves up in hats and scarves.)

Girls get cut-off shorts and a flowery top. Boys get a tank top and a bizarre combo of sailor shorts with leggings.

This is the clearest bit of brand synergy to hit Pokémon Go yet. Although the game itself does not mention Ultra Sun and Moon by name, the accompanying press release and Go's official Twitter account make the link clear.

Ultra Sun and Moon is out in just three days. Is it worth another purchase? Eurogamer's review is now in the works.

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