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Pay what you like Humble Indie Bundle 6 rakes in $2 million

Notch splashes $10,000 on it.

How on Earth do you make money from packaging a load of indie games together and selling them for whatever people want to pay? Because Humble Indie Bundle 6 somehow managed to take $2,048,501 from 316,272 sales.


Minecraft creator Markus "Notch" Persson donated $10,000. Former Infinity Ward spokesperson Robert Bowling chipped in $600.

Humble Indie Bundle 6 contained 10 games: Rochard, Shatter, S.P.A.Z., Torchlight, Vessel, Dustforce, Bit.Trip Runner, Gratuitous Space Battles, Jamestown and Wizorb.

You can pay what you want for the bundle, although the minimum price always matches the average donation, which was around $5 last week.

Buyers can specify what portion of their money goes where: to charities, to developers or to the people in charge of the Humble Indie Bundles.

All games are cross-platform PC/MAC/Linux, DRM-free and, if you pay over $1, unlockable on Steam.

Seems to be working very well indeed. Bring on Humble Indie Bundle 7.

Torchlight was in there.

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