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Nintendo's first Wii U advert makes sure you know it's a new console

"A brand new console with a brand new controller."

Nintendo UK has rolled out its first Wii U TV advert, which focuses on the touchscreen GamePad's features and reinforces the fact that Wii U is a brand new console.

The minute-long clip, shown last night during Homeland on Channel 4, begins with a voiceover spelling out that the Wii U is a "brand new console with a brand new controller."

It may be a sign that Nintendo has learned from early confusion surrounding the Wii U's unveiling, when some mistook it to be an add-on to the current Wii. The company faced similar problems with the 3DS, too.

Nintendo's own New Super Mario Bros. U and Nintendo Land are unsurprisingly among the games shown off the most. For the more mature audience not put off by the voiceover man's gun impression ZombiU, Batman: Arkham City and Mass Effect 3 also get a look in.

One of the GamePad features highlighted is the ability to play games entirely on the GamePad screen while others watch the TV. It's illustrated here by a woman coming in and getting grumpy with the gamer.

Nintendo's small print suggests the console will sell for around £249.99 with games around £50, although "prices may vary". The company does not set pricing in Europe, although that figure tallies with early punts from UK retailers.

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