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Nintendo pledges not to sell you Animal Crossing 3DS DLC

But "it would be unbelievably profitable," Iwata thinks.

Animal Crossing: New Leaf will not be supplemented by paid DLC, developer Nintendo has promised.

The upcoming 3DS instalment of Nintendo's popular life sim offers a huge array of in-game items and customisation options - inviting speculation that Nintendo would sell add-on content at a price.

But company president Satoru Iwata has stated that such additions would not for sale.

"Some might say that it would be unbelievably profitable to provide paid add-on content for Animal Crossing: New Leaf," Iwata told investors in a recent Q&A.

"But we were concerned that a game in which you enjoy yourself more by the power of money would not be suitable, and we decided to avoid such a feature after an intensive discussion with the development team."

Nintendo has already started selling DLC for 3DS games such as Fire Emblem: Awakening (extra characters) and New Super Mario Bros. 2 (extra Coin Rush levels).

Animal Crossing: New Leaf currently has a vague 2013 release window in Europe and North America. It launches first in Japan on 8th November.

Recently-released English-language footage of the game lies below.

Watch on YouTube

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