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New DayZ standalone screenshots of building interiors


Behold work in progress DayZ standalone screenshots of buildings and their interiors. They're of a random town and show basic textures and initial lighting passes.


But, but, building interiors! That is quite exciting, because you can enter all buildings in this town.

"Our artists have been very busy, methodically going through all buildings in Chernarus and adding interiors," DayZ creator Dean Hall explained on the game's website. "The task can be pretty difficult; when the buildings were made, interiors were not considered, so it can be a challenge for the artists to make the interiors both look correct and work properly.

"Most focus has so far been on the buildings that are situated outside of the centre," Hall added. "But focus now is turning to doing interiors for the city buildings.

"This is complicated by our desire to dramatically increase performance, and given the scene complexity inside cities we need to balance this with the desire to increase building scavenging opportunities inside the cities."

DayZ standalone - known as DayZ (the ArmA 2 mod is "DayZ Mod") - will be released this year. Dean Hall revealed that and loads more information during his Eurogamer Expo 2012 presentation. Luckily we caught it all on camera and it's embedded below.

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