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Namco vows to edit Tekken Tag Tournament 2 after Arabic script for Allah found on stage floor

"We couldn't read that," producer Harada says.

An image of the Saudi Arabia stage, taken by fan iSymbiox.

Namco Bandai will change stage in Tekken Tag Tournament 2 after it was found to contain the Arabic script for Allah.

Tekken fans Dengo and iSymbiox took to Twitter to point out that the Arabic script is on the floor of the Saudi Arabia stage. iSymbiox tweeted Tekken producer Katsuhiro Harada: "Can you please remove it from the Saudi Arabia Stage it's very offensive to Muslims!"

Responding to that tweet, Harada confirmed a change will be made.

"We didn't know that. We will change stage design data as soon as possible. We couldn't read that," he said.

iSymbiox seemed happy with the outcome. "Thank you Mr. Harada for your concern and support!" he tweeted. "You really are a great person!!

Earlier this month Infinity Ward made an edit to the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Favela map after it aggravated a portion of the Muslim community because of a painting placed above a toilet.

The painting had holy teachings written around its frame: "Allah is beautiful and He loves beauty."

Meanwhile, Harada confirmed a Tekken title update will release in November. This update, which tackles character bugs, stage issues and the matchmaking system, is in certification with Microsoft and Sony now.

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