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Haunting bluegrass adventure Kentucky Route Zero gets a new trailer

Act One due in December.

Chicago-based indie developer Cardboard Computer has released a new trailer for its stylish, surreal bluegrass adventure Kentucky Route Zero.

The game is described by its developer as "a magical realist adventure game about a secret highway in the caves beneath Kentucky and the mysterious folks who travel it." It will be released in five acts, with the first act due in December on PC and Mac.

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Kentucky Route Zero has been in development for a couple of years with a successful Kickstarter dating back to February, 2011 (before it was cool), but this latest trailer is the first time we've seen its aesthetic re-haul by artist Tamas Kemenczy. Prior to that, it looked like the trailer below, which while outdated, gives a clear impression at the sort of tone Cardboard Computer is after with this.

Prior to Kentucky Route Zero, Cardboard Computer worked on a number of indie titles including Balloon Diaspora, We Were You, and Ruins, which was about a dog looking back on its life - and the life of its owners - while chasing rabbits in a dream. It was set to Chopin and quite lovely, albeit sad.

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