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Giveaway: 1000 keys for the WOW Legion beta!

Once more unto Azeroth.

The world's most successful MMO is still rolling, and this year it's getting its first expansion since 2014's Warlords of Draenor. World of Warcraft: Legion adds a new area, the Broken Isles, along with a stack of updates and an increase in the level cap from 100 to 110.

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If you left back when mounts were considered high end, you'll be welcomed back with a boost to level 100 for one character, enabling you to beat down formerly resilient Murloc chieftains like getting glorious vengeance on a school bully.

As is its wont, Blizzard is running a beta ahead of the game's release in August, and we've got 1000 keys to give away. We're expecting these to be quite popular, so we're doing a random draw rather than first-come-first served. To be in with a chance of winning, simply pick an entry method from the widget below.

We'll be accepting entries for the next day and a half, until midday UK time on Thursday 19th May. After that point we'll draw 1000 winners at random from the entries received. We'll have sent email notifications to the winners no later than 8pm that day.

World of Warcraft Legion Beta giveaway