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Elite Dangerous: Horizons hits Xbox One 3rd June

The Engineers expansions launches on PC 26th May.

A couple of Elite: Dangerous release date announcements for you today. The first: Elite Dangerous: Horizons, the name given to the space game's second season of expansions, launches on the Xbox One version of the game on 3rd June.

The second: The Engineers expansion launches for the PC version on 26th May alongside a free update for all players.

To coincide with the announcement, Horizons has a new permanent price of £19.99.

Horizons lands on Xbox One with its first two expansions: Planetary Landings and The Engineers.

Headline features include planet exploration, new missions, new loot and new crafting systems. Xbox One players also get Private Group play and fully customisable controls.

Developer Frontier said future updates will debut for PC and Xbox One simultaneously. These include multicrew, commander creation and ship-launched fighters.

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