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EA decided against Star Wars Battlefront campaign to meet Force Awakens film launch

Promises series will improve on current Metacritic rating.

EA decided there would be no campaign in Star Wars Battlefront to make sure it could be released at the same time as Episode 7: The Force Awakens.

Patrick Soderlund, EA Studios boss, explained the decision last night in an investor broadcast where he touched on criticisms of the DICE-developed shooter.

The lack of a single-player campaign was a "conscious decision", Soderlund stated.

"We made [the choice] due to time and being able to launch the game side-by-side with the movie that came out to get the strongest possible impact."

It is the first time EA has specifically addressed the reason behind Battlefront's lack of campaign. The lack of a standalone single-player mode has been lamented by fans ever since Battlefront's announcement.

EA recently confirmed plans for a Battlefront sequel, due to launch in late 2017 with a focus on new movie characters and settings.

For that, EA will be looking to improve on Battlefront's current Metacritic average, Soderlund concluded.

"I think the team created a really good game based on the premise that we had. I would say the game has done very well for us and reached a very different demographic than a traditional EA game.

"So from that perspective, it's a success. Are we happy with the 75 rating? No. Is that something we're going to cure going forward? Absolutely."

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