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Diablo III, new MMO in "next few years"

Blizzard's 2010 is StarCraft II and Cataclysm.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Kotaku has secured an actual photograph of the rarest beast in gaming - a Blizzard release schedule.

The slide, from a presentation by Activision Blizzard chief finance officer Thomas Tippl, has StarCraft II, World of Warcraft: Cataclysm and the upgraded down for 2010 launches. Diablo III, Blizzard's unannounced MMO, and "StarCraft Expansion" (presumably meaning the second and third chapters of the StarCraft II trilogy) reside in a column titled "next few years". Tippl described the lineup as a "full pipeline".

That pretty much squashes any lingering hopes that Diablo III might see the light of day next year. It looks like 2011 at the earliest for the action-RPG, now.

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