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Dead Space 2 to have online multiplayer?

Job advert seems to suggest so.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

A new job advert has kicked off speculation that the next Dead Space game could feature an online multiplayer mode.

The ad is for a senior online level designer at EA Redwood, to work on "the Dead Space franchise on Xbox 360 and PS3". The successful candidate will "work collaboratively with creative director and online producer to create extremely fun, satisfying and polished multiplayer levels".

He or she will also "drive online design by taking the initiative to bring all parties together to execute on the overall vision for the levels".

Apparently, "The previous instalment in the Dead Space franchise received numerous awards for gameplay, visuals, and sound design, and the same core team is in place to create an even better follow up," the ad reads.

"The game is in the later stages of pre-production, ready for production in the next few months, with many of the navigational and combat mechanics in place."

EA has yet to officially announce Dead Space 2 but it's not the first time we've heard a sequel is on the way - a similar job listing was posted back in September.

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