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Carmageddon is free for a day to celebrate its iOS launch

Good carma for funding its Kickstarter.

1997 cult classic racer Carmageddon has arrived on iOS today where it's free for 24 hours as a way to thank all those who backed the mobile port on Kickstarter.

As of tomorrow the price will go on sale at £1.49 / $1.99 for a limited time before settling on an a yet to be revealed standard price.

The iOS port was developed by Stainless Games, the studio behind the original Carmageddon 15 years ago. Back then the game was banned in several countries and came out in a censored version in the UK where civilians were changed to green-blooded zombies. By today's standards the uncensored iOS port received a 12+ rating on the App Store worldwide.

"How times have changed!" said Stainless CEO and co-founder Patrick Buckland.

"We're really delighted with the results of our hard work on updating the original game for the new generation of touchscreen devices," added Stainless co-founder and executive director Neil 'Nobby' Barnden. "The gameplay has been improved over the original. And as well as recapturing the 'feel' of the original game's PC and Mac controls, we've been able to add intuitive gesture commands and choice of editable control methods."

An Android version of Carmageddon is currently in the works and should be available in either late 2012 or early 2013.

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