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Battlestar Galactica MMO

Vivendi semi-denies.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

It seems the great MMO monster has gobbled up another innocent sci-fi licence, as news of Battlestar Galactica Online emerges.

Or perhaps not. Earlier we reported that the title looked to be an Xbox 360 exclusive, based on optimistic October predictions from EB Games and Gamestop, and reports on French game sites that the game's development had been confirmed.

Not so, says Vivendi, speaking to 1UP. "EBGames has removed the information because it was not accurate. Vivendi Games has not announced a Battlestar Galactica game. We cannot comment any further as it is our policy to not comment on industry rumors," the publisher said.

The UK arm of the company has so far failed to respond to requests for comment, but others are pointing to statements made to investors last year, which suggest a smaller title based on BSG is likely - possibly targeting PC and Xbox Live Arcade - sometime this year.

(Apologies for the frack-up.)

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