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Pre-E3: Cube games galore

Super Mario Sunshine finally looks good, Zelda too, and there's even more...

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

: Multi-platform, PS2, Cube, Xbox Whether you like it or not, the Cube also enjoyed more than its fair share of exciting announcements. Mostly first party, but that's hardly surprising. For a start, Miyamoto was caught playing Super Mario Sunshine (which finally appears to look good, much to our relief) with a WaveBird, and Zelda too. Zelda, it must be said, is really starting to justify its quirky graphical makeover. The game maker has filled the screen with exciting happenings, and the boss character shown briefly in one of the movies put rival dragons to shame (you know what I'm talking about, RPG fans). Although Metroid Prime and F-Zero were disappointingly absent (no, pre-rendered vids of the latter do not count), 1080 White Storm kicked up some fluff with its appearance, looking surprisingly sleek and not unlike Microsoft's Amped. Unplayable, it will need to win us over with its gameplay dynamics, which, going on past experience, it shouldn't have too much trouble doing. And beyond that we caught glimpses of Mario Party 4, Star Fox Adventures and the big game, Wario World. This, to us, is a little disappointing. For a start it's a very simple 3D world more akin to those you'd expect to see from an also-ran of a 3D platformer, but then this is Nintendo and this is Miyamoto, so we have to be optimistic. The game is still a hell of a long way off, so perhaps this behaviour is forgivable. For now. But just when you thought it was going to turn ugly, games like The Legend of Zelda Advance with four player link-up mode rear their ugly heads. Games like Donkey Kong for GCN and GBA (with no sign of a Rare third party announcement just yet) and Doshin the Giant also leave a strong impression, the latter threatening to be Black & White done by the Japanese, and done properly this time…

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