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TimeSplitters goes online

Sony showcase PS2 online features with TimeSplitters sequel

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

With the big E3 trade show about to kick off in Los Angeles, Eidos today confirmed that the PlayStation 2 version of their first person shooter TimeSplitters 2 will include online support. Sony will apparently be showcasing the game as part of their online push at E3, with the chance to play against opponents who aren't at the event. "We are very pleased that TimeSplitters 2 is one of the selected titles dedicated to showcasing the PlayStation 2 system's online technology at E3", Eidos marketing VP Paul Baldwin declared. "The original TimeSplitters is still recognized as offering the best multiplayer experience on the PlayStation 2, so it comes as no surprise that the sequel will extend that multiplayer brilliance online." Related Feature - TimeSplitters 2 preview

Source - press release

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