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Juraussie Park

Build a park, fill it with dinos, try not to let them escape, easy!

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Vivendi Universal Interactive has announced the development of PC / PS2 / Xbox building and management sim Jurassic Park. Now, when we say sim, obviously we mean it in the loosest possible sense, because the goal in said game is to battle your way through 12 missions without letting the animals escape. Obviously should things go wrong the whole spectacle will erupt to impressive effect. The game is in development at Melbourne, Australia based Blue Tongue Software and has been for some time, although the latest press release seems to have dropped the "Project Genesis" subtitle. Whether it will turn out to be any good is difficult to say, with the firm's only other release Starship Troopers: Terran Ascendancy, which is more than two years old now. We are intrigued at the prospect of this PC / console strategy game, which looks most intricate in the screenshots so far released by the publisher. The game promises much. A 3D graphics and animation house has been drafted in specifically to construct the in-game cinematics, and along with Blue Tongue's sound engineer, composer Stephan Schultze will be helping to pen the game's ten original tracks to be performed by the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra. Control of the dinos will be handled via a mixture of chemicals brewed in the dino-vet lab, and the dinosaurs themselves will boast complex AI, which seems to be where most of the development work is going. No bad thing. Related Feature - Jurassic Park Xbox screenshots

Source - press release

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