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Disney at the heart of E3

Kingdom Hearts, TRON 2.0, Treasure Planet...

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Disney Interactive has announced its E3 line-up for 2002. What are you doing? Don't click back! This is actually quite a good outing for the oft-ignored developer-publisher. For a start, Kingdom Hearts, the company's anticipated PlayStation 2 RPG crossover with Japanese developer Squaresoft, will be on display. The action RPG centres around a few typical Square adventurers on a hunt to find their friends with the help of Disney characters. The game runs the risk of not being taken seriously, but it has already shipped 800,000 copies in Japan, so we're eager to see what all the fuss is about. Without having to import it.

Further to the RPG business, Disney will also have TRON 2.0 on display from developer Monolith. This story-driven PC first person shooter will combine elements of the cult 80s movie with a modern day setting, as young computer programmer Jet Bradley searches for his father Alan within the master control program. It could be good - E3 should reveal more.

Completing the company's trio of serious action/adventure games is Treasure Planet: Battle at Procyon, which is based on the forthcoming Disney Pictures' movie release of the same name. Treasure Planet is a PC game where players command solar sail powered space ships that resemble regular sea-faring vessels. Commanding fleets of these ships in single player is possible, but the real focus of the game seems to be the four player aspect with customisable fleets and online combat. It is also eventually due out on PlayStation 2 and GBA.

Other titles on the company's podium include Ultimate Ride Disney Coaster, which might be a bit like Rollercoaster Tycoon if we're lucky, and Sega's ESPN-branded sports games. ESPN being a Disney owned business. Young'uns will get to see the likes of Disney's Magical Mirror and Disney's Magical Quest, but we wonder how well these will be covered considering the trade show's complete lack of youngsters.

Source - press release

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