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LucasArts' E3 line-up touted

Unofficially, so this is pinch-of-salt territory, but there's some tasty stuff in here...

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Image credit: Eurogamer

LucasArts has a pretty hit and miss record these days. A long time ago, right, in a galaxy far, far away, they couldn't put a foot wrong. Then something happened. Rebel Assault. Then something else happened. Rebel Assault 2. Like an embittered Monty Burns watching Homer roll around on the floor crying "woot!" at the top of his voice, we had to wonder, Smithers, whether this team were quite the developmental gurus we originally took them for. Fortunately, redemption came in the form of games like the Monkey Island updates, a handful of the plethora of Star Wars games and that Tomb Raider derived Indiana Jones adventure. And if GameWatch is to be believed, come E3 we'll have a fresh selection of impressive titles to wax lyrical about, including a couple of golden oldies. Apart from RTX Red Rock and Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb, upon which we reported yesterday, the developer / publisher is planning to show off four new Star Wars games; Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, Bounty Hunter, The Clone Wars and Galaxies. And unlike the Episode I games, we're very much looking forward to these. But completing the line-up are said to be Gladius and Full Throttle. Full Throttle, while a little on the short side, did feature the vocal talents of Mark Hammill, and ultimately, it was a point-and-click game about being a hard nut biker on a trail of destruction. It's unknown whether Full Throttle will be a remake (perhaps on a next-gen console, or indeed all of them), or whether it will be an original game reprising the series. And LucasArts was not available to comment on Gladius either. But we're excited [You always are, you should be on 600 valium a week - Ed]. Tentatively. Hang on, I said tentatively, dammit! Whatever - E3 is looking tops this year. Related Feature - Indy to explore Emperor's Tomb

Source - IGN

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