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Argos really did deliver those Xbox One X consoles at 12.01am

Amazon scenes.

Remember last month when Argos promised to deliver Xbox One X at 12.01am? Well, the retailer kept its promise.

There were caveats to the offer - as a trial scheme it was only available for London Zones 1-5, and pre-order slots were limited.

Still, in light of today's Amazon UK Xbox One X delivery debacle, it is worth highlighting Argos' success.

Periscope broadcaster Alex Pittitt streamed his Xbox One X getting delivered on the dot at 12.01am:

Gaming journo Ryan Brown reported getting his Xbox One X right on time as well:

"Delivery guy was surprisingly chipper," Brown wrote. "Asked him how the timing for this worked and yup, he'd been sat outside for about 20 minutes lol."

Argos just sent over its own press release with some cheesy pictures of another satisfied customer. Here's Neil Hart from Wimbledon looking very happy indeed:

Of course, the whole thing was a bit of a PR stunt to promote Argos' midnight delivery trial. The retailer hasn't said how many people qualified for the trial, although the number is likely to be low - low enough Argos could have a driver waiting outside every person's house well before midnight.

But, fair play to Argos. It delivered - literally.

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