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Activision enigmatic on Nintendo offerings

Guitar Hero on Wii?

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Activision has remained coy and enigmatic after a recent conference call pointed toward the possibility of Guitar Hero appearing on Wii, with a spokesperson telling Eurogamer this morning that not all is as it seems.

"From my specific knowledge, and I'm not talking about Guitar Hero here, there are some surprises hidden within that phrase and things that people will probably interpret incorrectly," the publisher told us.

It refers to recent comments made in a Q3 2007 preliminary financial results meeting for Activision, in which CEO Mike Griffiths outlined the publisher's strong support of the Nintendo platforms.

"In fiscal 2008, we will double our offerings on the DS and the Wii," he said confidently. "Including Spider-Man, Shrek, Transformers, and Guitar Hero."

This led to many speculating that Guitar Hero would appear on Wii, as the DS seemed to be a much less likely target to port the well known PS2 game to.

However, the recent comment from Activision leaves us a little puzzled. We certainly would be surprised to see a DS version of the music-mashing masterpiece, but what sort of peripheral would a handheld warrant? A hamster-sized guitar? A harmonica?

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