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Activision Blizzard's mobile games make more money than console and PC sales combined

But console revenue has almost halved compared year-on-year.

More than half of Activision Blizzard's revenue came from mobile games in April - June (Q2) 2022.

According to Activision Blizzard's most recent financial report, the developer/publisher generated £535m from its PC and console sales in Q2 2022 - £275m ($332m) on PC and £310m ($376m) consoles - while £688m ($831m) came from its "mobile and ancillary" business, which the company says "primarily include[s] revenues from mobile devices". That's more than 50 per cent of its entire net revenue for the period.

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Part of this, of course, is because Activision acquired mobile developer King in 2016 - and right now, it's the most successful part of ABK's business - but it's likely not coincidental that Diablo Immortal released during this period, too (thanks, PC Gamer).

Just a year ago across the same period, mobile, console, and PC earnings were £658m/$795m, £612m/$740m, and £520m/$628m respectively, which means only its mobile business has increased its net revenue year-on-year: console revenue, on the other hand, has almost halved.

The same financial report recently revealed that Diablo Immortal has stemmed the flow of falling Blizzard user numbers, and given the company a modest increase in monthly active engagement.

However, the results also showed Blizzard's active users have only recovered slightly - to where they were just over a year ago - and revenue remains down slightly year-on-year.

After falling to 22 million monthly active users for the quarter ending in March 2022, Diablo Immortal has helped Blizzard back to 27 million for the quarter ending at the beginning of July.

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