Precision farming

Agrifood 12-12-2022

Commission: Precision agriculture key to farming ‘double challenge’

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Digital technologies can help farming tackle the 'double imperative' of greening the sector while ensuring food security, according to a European Commission official. But high investment costs and poor connectivity in rural areas might stand in the way.

Agrifood 23-12-2021

Boosting climate smart agriculture through access to ripping technology

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With soil health high on the policy agenda, EURACTIV took a look at how advances in tractor technology can help boost climate-smart agriculture and promote no-till agriculture through the lens of a project in East Africa.

Agrifood 22-11-2021

Expert: Carbon farming ideal to boost Poland’s yields

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Carbon farming practices could help Polish farmers cope with permanent drought as they could increase the productivity of their yields, an expert has told EURACTIV Poland.

Agrifood 19-11-2021

Spain views carbon farming as a climate solution

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Spain seeks to maintain carbon in soils destined for agriculture in its strategy against climate change with the support of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). However, producers demand more funds to compensate for their efforts.

Agrifood 18-11-2021

French farmers endorse carbon farming but highlight transition costs

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With its low carbon strategy, the French government aims to green agriculture through the development of carbon sequestration in soils. French farmers salute the strategy but call for stronger aids for the transition to be financially sustainable.

Agrifood 17-11-2021

Berlin says carbon farming ‘high priority’ as farmers call for further action

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While carbon farming is a priority for the German government, farmers say they are not doing enough to support measures financially. Environmentalists add that some of the promoted practices have limited climate value.

Agrifood 12-11-2021

British farmers call for government support to reach ‘net-zero’ agriculture

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British farmers have set an ambitious strategy to reach net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in agriculture by 2040. But for all farmers to be able to contribute, the government should step in and provide the necessary means, the National Farmers' Union of England and Wales (NFU) told EURACTIV.

Agrifood 09-11-2021

Farmers see chances in carbon farming but must be market-led

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Agriculture stakeholders see a shift towards carbon farming in the European Union positively but emphasise that details over financial incentives for EU farmers must be determined for its proper rollout.

Agrifood 02-07-2021

Restoring pride top priority for Generation Z farmers

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Generation Z - those born between 1997 and 2015 - is faced with the future farming paradox: it is an exciting time to be a farmer with many opportunities opened up by innovation, but a farmer's life has never been so complicated.

Agrifood 15-01-2021

2021: The year of the CAP

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2019 is likely to be the year in which the much awaited reform of the main EU's massive farming subsidies programme, the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), will see the light.

Agrifood 16-07-2020

EIB official: €200 billion needed to build broadband infrastructure in EU rural areas

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In order for citizens in Europe’s rural areas to have broadband access to at least 100 megabits per second, approximately €200 billion will be needed, according to Harald Gruber from the European Investment Bank (EIB).

Agrifood 16-07-2020

No-till farming: traditional ideas with new technologies to tackle current challenges

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With soil health high on the EU policy agenda, EURACTIV spoke with US-based farmer Trey Hill, whose innovative approach to farming explores the potential of no-till agriculture, a practice that can contribute to the EU’s sustainability goals although some dismiss it as "technologically backward".

Agrifood 14-07-2020

MEP: Precision farming should be part of member states’ recovery plans

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Precision farming practices, including digital farming, are the best way to deliver the EU's strategic goals of being green, smart and safe and should be part of the National Recovery and Resilience Plans of all member states, according to MEP Petros Kokkalis.

Agrifood 13-07-2020

Innovation in agriculture: Europe at crossroads

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One of the main issues that the European Commission and EU member states will have to face in the coming years is how to handle innovation in Europe's agricultural sector. The agricultural sector's fight to mitigate climate change and improve sustainability …

Agrifood 29-06-2020

Digital tools needed to help apply fertiliser targets to national level, say stakeholders

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EU-wide targets for the reduction of fertilisers, as outlined in the Farm to Fork strategy, must now be translated to country-specific targets, and for this farmers need access to the latest tools and technologies to allow them to reach these targets and get an accurate picture of the situation, stakeholders have said.

Agrifood 03-06-2020

Agriculture has fundamental role to play in fighting climate change, says French socialist MEP

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In an interview with EURACTIV's partner Le Journal de l'environnement, French socialist MEP Éric Andrieu (S&D) said that climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic make it necessary to put agriculture back at the heart of the debate and to change the agricultural model with targeted tools and resources.

Agrifood 26-05-2020

COVID-19 crisis could ‘kick off digital revolution in agriculture’

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Digital farming is set to boom in the aftermath of the COVID-19 crisis, given its capacity to help the EU farming sector improve its sustainability and recover from the outbreak's impact. But there are also considerable concerns raised about the pace of this change and whether farmers are adequately prepared for it.

Agrifood 24-03-2020

Embracing innovation for a stable and secure food supply

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Amid the uncertainty of the coronavirus pandemic, Europe must invest in innovation to enhance food security, as the ongoing crisis has laid bare the vulnerabilities of our seemingly strong system, writes Igor Teslenko.

Agrifood 05-03-2020

Ensuring data sovereignty ‘major challenge’ for European farmers

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The virtues of digital farming have been extolled by many, including the European Commission and industry voices. But, as a recent situation in the US demonstrates, digital farming carries concerns which requires careful consideration. 

Agrifood 27-02-2020

Agricultural drones are gradually ‘taking off’ in France

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France is experimenting with drones as a means of spraying pesticides so that by 2021 it may launch the practice as it could lead to more precise treatments, as well as a reduction in the use of phytosanitary products. EURACTIV France reports.

Agrifood 26-02-2020

How automation can work to support effiency in farming systems

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Automation in the farming sector is playing an increasing role in improving the quality of both animal and farmers lives. Pascal Huger, a goat breeder in Thenay in the Loir-et-Cher region, talks to EURACTIV France about his choice to automate on his farm.

Agrifood 24-02-2020

How is tech revolutionising the agricultural sector?

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Est. 1min

High-tech is gaining ground in the age-old world of agriculture and agricultural innovations have gradually revolutionised work in the fields and on the farm in recent years.

Agrifood 24-02-2020

‘Agri-tech’ spreading like wildfire across French farms

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Technology can already be found everywhere on French farms, but the so-called "agri-tech" trend wants to push innovation even further. Two hundred fifty of France's start-ups are already specialising in agriculture and working towards developing software, drones, robots, artificial intelligence and satellites. EURACTIV France reports.

Agrifood 21-02-2020

EFSA will keep British experts despite Brexit [Part II]

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The European Food Safety Authority will keep UK experts in its ranks despite Brexit, because science does not recognise borders "and we want to have the best people", the EU food watchdog chief told in an exclusive interview.