Europe’s personalised medicine sector boosted by Sino-EU PerMed project


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Sino-EU cooperation can accelerate the improvement of the quality of care provided by governments and promote well-being. [Shutterstock / Marcin Janiec]

The Sino-EU PerMed project, launched in January 2020, is a bi-regional consortium of six partners from governmental, funding and research organisations to promote personalised medicine cooperation between Europe and China.

The project was set up as part of a concerted larger effort by the European Commission to increase international collaboration to promote personalised medicine and was devised to engage China in the International Consortium on Personalised Medicine [ICPerMed] – an EU Member States driven initiative and advance the implementation of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda on personalised medicine.

This Euractiv report explains the purpose of the project, what it set out to achieve, and the expected outcomes.

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