Bartosz Sieniawski

Health 11-12-2023

Post-stroke care in Poland far from bad, with room for improvement

Est. 4min

Poland records 70,000 strokes annually and state-funded rehabilitation is by no means the worst in Europe, but it could still improve, the deputy head of the country's post-stroke care foundation told Euractiv Poland.

Politics 15-11-2023

Left party pushes to ease Poland’s strict abortion laws

Est. 3min

The liberalisation of abortion up to the 12th week of pregnancy and the decriminalisation of the performance of abortions were the legislative proposals tabled by MPs of the Left in an effort to liberalise the country’s strict abortion law. The topic …

Politics 14-11-2023

Poland’s Got Talent host voted into parliament as new speaker

Est. 3min

The opposition in the Polish parliament – Civic Coalition, the Third Way and the Left – are celebrating the establishment of a representative of their camp as speaker of the lower house of parliament, former Poland’s Got Talent host and …

Politics 25-09-2023

Controversial refugee film causes a stir among Polish right-wing parties

Est. 3min

The film ‘Green Border’ by Polish Director Agnieszka Holland – which was inspired by the refugee crisis on the Polish-Belarusian border – premiered at this year’s Venice Film Festival and has so far been boycotted by the Polish right-wing, who …

Politics 07-09-2023

Poland hands human smuggling ringleaders over to Ukrainian police

Est. 2min

The Polish Border Guard has started handing over persons involved in people smuggling to the Ukrainian police following reports of Ukrainians fleeing across the border for fear of being conscripted into the army. Poland has been handing over people smuggling suspects …

Politics 01-09-2023

Polish court discontinues proceedings in Turów mine case

Est. 4min

The Voivodship Administrative Court in Warsaw has suspended proceedings against the decision to extend the concession for the Turów mine until 2044, meaning that the mine, which has been the subject of a long-running dispute between Poland and the Czech Republic, can continue to operate unhindered for more than 20 years.

Politics 31-08-2023

Poland OK’s new legislation for constructing renewable energy sources

Est. 2min

A bill aimed at increasing the share of renewable energy sources in Poland’s energy mix will enter into force soon after being signed off by President Andrzej Duda.

Politics 30-08-2023

Legionnaires’ disease outbreak in Poland’s NATO hub raises concern

Est. 3min

A Legionnaires’ disease outbreak, caused by Legionella bacteria, broke out in Rzeszów, the capital of Poland’s Podkarpackie Voivodship and a strategic hub for NATO, on 17 August, leading to an investigation by security services to determine its source. Legionellosis is a …

Politics 29-08-2023

Polish liberals invite former far-right deputy PM on election lists

Est. 4min

Despite a promise made a year ago by liberal Civic Coalition leader Donald Tusk, Poland’s largest opposition party, that voters would not be able to find opponents of abortion on its lists, former deputy prime minister of the Law and …

Politics 18-07-2023

Polish judges’ association worried about judges who convicted neo-Nazis

Est. 3min

Iustitia, an organisation for the rights of judges and the protection of the rule of law in Poland, has announced that it is demanding the protection of the judge who handed down the verdict in the case of the Neo-Nazi …

Politics 17-07-2023

Polish minister releases neo-Nazi from prison

Est. 3min

Eurosceptic Justice Minister Zbigniew Ziobro, who also serves as attorney general, has decided to release a 21-year-old far-right activist and neo-Nazi sentenced to three years in prison for attacking a woman at an LGBT event in 2020. Marika Matuszak and three …

Health 11-05-2023

Poland’s health system not affected ‘yet’ by increasing doctors’ exodus

Est. 5min

The growing migration of doctors outside Poland has not influenced yet the healthcare system, stakeholders told EURACTIV Poland, adding though that if the trends continues then the impact will be more visible.

Health 24-04-2023

Multiple myeloma therapies in Poland are becoming increasingly effective

Est. 7min

Treatment of multiple myeloma has come a long way in Poland as the state has added more therapies in its reimbursable drug programme, stakeholders have said but stressed the need for more efforts on potential bone marrow donors who provide another vital treatment option.

Health 31-03-2023

Polish pharma industry warns of manufacturing exodus

Est. 5min

Poland must support domestic pharma industry to address rising production cost of medicines including generics to compete with Asia and avoid a potential manufacturers’ exodus, according to Krzysztof Kopeć.

Agrifood 21-02-2023

Evolution, not revolution: Integrated pest management gains ground in Poland

Est. 4min

Integrated pest management (IPM) - a strategy which uses a hierarchy of plant protection products to minimise the use of chemical pesticides - is gaining popularity in Poland, but producers say change must happen by 'evolution rather than revolution'.

Politics 13-02-2023

Polish right wants EU Parliament to double down on corruption

Est. 2min

The European Parliament must adopt anti-corruption legislation, representatives of Solidarna Polska, the main Eurosceptic force in parliament that is also part of the government, wrote in a letter sent to European Parliament President Roberta Metsola. Solidarna Polska’s letter comes following revelations …

Politics 10-02-2023

Poland threatens Belarus with sanctions for sentencing Polish activist

Est. 2min

Poland threatened Minsk with sanctions after a court in Grodno sentenced Andrzej Poczobut, Polish-Belarusian journalist and activist living in Belarus, to eight years in prison. Poles living in Belarus, as well as minority organisations and their activists, are having a hard …

Politics 09-02-2023

Controversy over Polish military purchases

Est. 2min

Poland has purchased second-hand vehicles worth €2.24 billion as part of its bid to modernise the military, following a big increase in spending since the war in Ukraine started, according to the portal. Warsaw ordered 189 K2 tanks and 212 …

Politics 03-02-2023

Poland warns of disinformation campaigners smearing Ukrainian refugees

Est. 2min

The government Plenipotentiary for the Security of the Information Space of the Republic of Poland, Stanisław Żaryn, warned at a press conference about a disinformation campaign taking place in the country concerning refugees from Ukraine. Ukrainian refugees often fall victim to …

Politics 01-02-2023

Secret Polish workshop repairs Ukrainian military equipment

Est. 2min

About 400 mechanics and engineers have been restoring military equipment damaged on the frontlines in Ukraine in a secret workshop in an undisclosed location in Poland, according to reporters from Wall Street Journal. The media reported there is a huge mechanical …

Politics 30-01-2023

Polish politicians congratulate new Czech president

Est. 2min

General Petr Pavel defeated Andrej Babis and became the new Czech president, receiving congratulations from Polish political representatives, although they do not all agree with his policies. A few days before the second round of the Czech presidential election, the country’s …

Politics 27-01-2023

Poland to likely make wind turbine installation even harder

Est. 3min

Installing wind turbines, already tricky due to a law that has been in force since 2016, will be made even harder if an amendment the ruling PiS party is currently working on to trigger the release of frozen EU recovery funds is approved.

Politics 20-01-2023

Polish government working on controversial surveillance bill

Est. 3min

Members of Poland’s ruling Law and Justice party want to make it easier for Polish authorities to electronically surveil citizens by giving officers easier access to their emails and social media messages. The lower house of the Polish parliament is working …

Politics 16-01-2023

Polish opposition with first pre-election discord

Est. 3min

Although the Polish opposition parties publicly assured their unity on the important vote, the centrist party Poland 2050 broke out of the arrangement at the last minute and voted differently, a bad sign for the opposition’s unity just months before …