Our House Rules

Get to know Etsy's legal terms and policies

Seller Policy

Your rights and obligations as an Etsy seller

Your rights and obligations as an Etsy seller

Community Policy

Requirements for participating in community spaces

Privacy Policy

Our privacy practices for our site, mobile apps and other services

Purchase Protection Programme for Sellers

Requirements for Purchase Protection programme eligibility

Etsy's Creativity Standards

What may be sold on Etsy

Adult Nudity and Sexual Content

Content containing nudity and adult content that is prohibited, restricted, or allowed in our marketplace

Google Shopping Incentives Policy

Terms for special offers and promotions when using Google Shopping advertising through Etsy

Etsy Payments Policy

Our agreement with you about your use of our payments services.

Pattern Policy

Your rights and responsibilities when using Pattern by Etsy

Advertising and Marketing Policy

Terms for Etsy sellers who take advantage of our advertising or marketing services

Anti-Discrimination and Hate Speech Policy

Behaviour we prohibit on Etsy

Fees & Payments Policy

Seller fees, taxes and how to pay them

Intellectual Property Policy

Intellectual property and issues with infringement

Sanctions Policy

Your responsibilities regarding sanctions and trade restrictions

Prohibited Items Policy - Effective from 29 July 2024

Items that are prohibited or restricted in our marketplace

Prohibited Items Policy - Effective until inclusive 28 July 2024

Items that are prohibited or restricted in our marketplace

Seller Referrals Policy

Earning credits by referring your friends to sell on Etsy

Off-Platform Transactions

Buy and sell items safely and securely on Etsy.

Delivery Policy

Understanding your delivery obligations and your rights and responsibilities when using Etsy's postage labels services