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Cookies & Similar Technologies Disclosures

We are providing this list to give you transparency into the cookies and similar technologies used by Etsy. While Etsy’s technologies change over time, the following tables provide brief descriptions of the key technologies used on Etsy properties.

The previous version of this disclosure can be found here.

  1. Internal Cookies & Similar Technologies Used on Etsy.com
  2. Marketing & Third Party Cookies and Similar Technologies
  3. Technologies Used in Etsy Mobile Apps
  4. Social Media Technologies
  5. Browser or Mobile Device Settings

1. Internal Cookies & Similar Technologies Used on Etsy.com

The following are first-party cookies used on Etsy properties including Etsy.com, the Apps and on custom domains run through Etsy Pattern.

Name Domain Use Expiration
_dc, _gtm_* *.etsy.com Google Tag Manager for managing third party cookies and technologies Session
_ga, _gat, _gcl, _gid *.etsy.com Google Analytics (including related advertising services) 1 Day to 13 Months
activity_tracker_* *.etsy.com Recent listings viewed (local stored object) Varies
analyticsTrackFunction, pageviewInfo, eventInfo *.etsy.com Mobile analytics Session
app_banner_dismissed *.etsy.com Page and banner rendering 1 Month
bc_* *.etsy.com Etsy blog authentication cookie 1 Year
coupons *.etsy.com Temporary cookie that carries coupons to checkout Session
dashboard_stats_channel *.etsy.com Saves last selected channel in Shop Manager stats 13 Months
dashboard_stats_range *.etsy.com Saves last selected date range in Shop Manager stats 13 Months
Datr, fr, sb, wd, fbp*, fblo*, fbm*, fbsr* *.etsy.com Facebook browser identification, authentication, marketing, and other Facebook-specific function cookies Varies
ecvc *.etsy.com EU cookie notification flag 10 Months
et_* *.etsy.com Etsy authentication cookie 1 Year
eud Pattern sites Page and banner rendering 13 Months
exp* *.etsy.com Experiments 3 Months
fve www.etsy.com Etsy analytics cookie for first visits 1 Month
G_AUTHUSER_H, G_ENABLED_ID *.etsy.com Google authentication and analytics Session or Persistent
granify_* .etsy.com Granify cookie for marketing and offers Session to 11 Months
gtm_* .etsy.com Google tag manager 1 Day
last_browse_page *.etsy.com Previous page browsed Session
LD, sr .etsy.com Etsy sign-in cookie Session to 1 Year
MP_* *.etsy.com Etsy international flags and view type 1 Year
msg-feedback-dismiss *.etsy.com Page and banner rendering Session
p *.etsy.com GDPR/CCPA and general privacy cookie 1 Year
perf *.etsy.com Performance 1 Session
pla_spr *.etsy.com Ad attribution 1 Week
prolist_* *.etsy.com Ad formatting Varies
search_options, guided_search_seen www.etsy.com Etsy user search preferences Session
st_*, sr *etsy.com Etsy authentication cookie 1 Year
stats_linebar_filte\r_* *.etsy.com Saves last selected graph filter in Shop Manager stats 5 Years
stats_visited, tabs_clicked Front end store options Etsy shop statistics cookie 5 Years
supports_apple_pay *.etsy.com Flags if user's browser supports Apple Pay payment method 1 Day
UA*, UAID* *.etsy.com Etsy browser cookie used for analytics, security, and site personalisation Session to 13 Months
user_prefs *.etsy.com Etsy user preferences (such as locale, delivery, preferred language) 11 Months

2. Marketing & Third-Party Cookies & Similar Technologies

Name / Network Use Third-Party Privacy Policies User controls
Awin / Digital Window / Zanox Affiliate Marketing Awin Privacy Policy / Digital Window Privacy Policy Browser or mobile device settings
Bing Ads Marketing Microsoft Privacy Statement / Microsoft Data Protection Policies Personalised Ads Options
Branch.io Link attribution Privacy Policy Branch.io Opt-out
Braze Marketing and Attribution Privacy Policy Opt-out and cookie preferences
Button Affiliate Marketing Button Privacy Policy Browser or mobile device settings
Facebook (Connect) Social media functionality Facebook Privacy Policy / Facebook Cookies Policy Facebook Connect Opt-out
Facebook (Custom Audience & Remarketing) Marketing Facebook Privacy Policy / Facebook Cookies Policy Facebook Custom Audiences / YourAdChoices
ForeSee Performance and functionality Foresee Privacy Policy Browser or mobile device settings
FusePump Feed management FusePump Privacy Policy / FusePump Cookie Policy Browser or mobile device settings
Google Ads Marketing Google Ads Policies / Google Privacy Policy Google Ads Options
Google Analytics Analytics and marketing Google Privacy Policy Google Analytics Opt-out
Google Tag Manager Management of cookies and tags for marketing and non-marketing functions Google Privacy Policy Browser or mobile device settings
iSpot Ad attribution iSpot privacy policy iSpot opt-out
Kenshoo Marketing Kenshoo Privacy Policy Browser or mobile device settings
Granify Personalised Etsy marketing notifications Granify Privacy Policy Granify Opt-out
FullStory Browser analytics and mouse interactions FullStory Privacy Policy FullStory Opt Out
Lithium / Khoros Etsy Forums login cookie and analytics Lithium Privacy Policy Browser or mobile device settings, and contact at marketing@khoros.com
Neustar Marketing Analytics / Ad attribution Neustar Privacy Statement Neustar Privacy Centre
Oceanmedia Ad attribution Oceanmedia Privacy Policy Browser or mobile device settings, and contact at info@oceanmediainc.com
Outbrain Marketing Outbrain Privacy Policy Outbrain Opt-out
Pinterest Social networking and marketing Pinterest Privacy Policy Pinterest Personalisation
ReturnPath Email marketing ReturnPath Privacy Policy Browser or mobile device settings
Twitter Social networking and marketing Twitter Privacy Policy Twitter Privacy Controls

3. Technologies Used in Etsy Mobile Apps

While Etsy’s app software development kits (“SDKs”) change over time, and can differ in app versions, some key app SDKs include:

Library Name Details Policy Link Link to User Control
Apple Pay Apple Pay mobile payments Apple Pay Privacy Notices Not a marketing service
Appsflyer Mobile measurement & attribution Appsflyer Privacy Policy Appsflyer Opt-Out form
Bitly Link shortener and redirects, including device tracking Bitly Privacy Policy Opt-out choices via Privacy Policy links
Branch Deep link attribution and handling Branch Privacy Policy Browser or mobile device settings
Braze Marketing and attribution services Braze Privacy Policy Opt-out and cookie preferences
Button Marketing and attribution Button Privacy Policy Browser or mobile device settings
Facebook App Events Facebook Analytics Facebook Privacy Policy Browser or mobile device settings
Facebook Login Kit Facebook Facebook Privacy Policy Facebook Login Opt-out
Firebase App Indexing Mobile app development Firebase Privacy Features Not a marketing service
Google Pay Google Pay Google Payments Privacy Notice Not a marketing service
Google Sign-In Sign-in via Google Google Privacy Policy Not a marketing service
Qualtrics User surveys Qualtrics Privacy Statement Contained in email survey invitations
Salesforce - Journey Builder SDK Marketing Attribution via Salesforce Salesforce SDK information / Salesforce Privacy Policy Browser or mobile device settings
Zendesk Real-time chat support for end users Zendesk Privacy Policy / Zendesk Data & Privacy Practices Not a marketing service

4. Social Media Technologies

When you use social media platforms with Etsy, each platform has its own technologies and policies to be aware of. For information on limiting the use of widgets and sharing functions with social networks, see below:

  • For Twitter widgets, you can find more information here.

  • For Facebook widgets, you can find more information here.

  • For Pinterest widgets, you can find more information here.

5. Browser or Mobile Device Settings

*Please see our Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy for information about using settings to reflect your privacy preferences for browser cookies, browser privacy, mobile device, or IoT device privacy, and cookie and ad tracking.

Last updated on 31 Mar, 2022