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Partecipazione del Ministro Antonio Tajani al Consiglio Affari Esteri dell’Unione Europea

Partecipazione del Ministro Antonio Tajani al Consiglio Affari Esteri dell’Unione Europea

Il Vice Presidente del Consiglio e Ministro degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale On. Antonio Tajani, è a Bruxelles...

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Pressroom section

Middle East, Tajani writes to his three colleagues in the region: "Gaza cannot wait, the war must end"

On the occasion of the arrival in Amman this morning of a shipment of over 60 tons of humanitarian aid...

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Food for Gaza Initiative. Flight carrying 60 tons of humanitarian aid lands in Amman

The flight arranged by the Italian Cooperation and departed from the UN logistics base in Brindisi as part of the...

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G7 Trade Ministerial Meeting (Villa San Giovanni Reggio Calabria 16-17 July 2024) - Ministerial Statement

Preamble We, the G7 Trade Ministers, met on 16-17 July 2024 in Reggio Calabria and Villa San Giovanni to discuss...

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Updates from Farnesina

Malesia, Strategia nazionale per i semiconduttori, stanziati 4,9 miliardi di euro

Malaysia – 4.9 billion euros allocated as part...

As part of the National Semiconductor Strategy, the Malaysian Government will allocate at least 25 billion Malaysian ringgits (about 4.9...

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Polonia – Progetti industriali

Poland, important industrial projects under consideration by the...

The new Polish government has confirmed the construction between Warsaw and Lodz of the CPK - “Central Communication Hub” -...

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Gabon – Il Paese si apre alle iniziative commerciali di nuovi attori internazionali

Gabon, the country opens up to the business...

The new authorities of Gabon have stated their intention to diversify their political and commercial relations with foreign countries. This...

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